Driving While Black - Its Not As Important As You Think
Jemal (1999)

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I am shocked that there is such a national outcry by blacks over this treatment. I can only surmise that it has garnered such attention because the black bourgeoisie has been affected and started crying about it. But even this surprises me. While Driving While Black (DWB) is an obvious problem, it is only indicative of all the other more serious problems facing Black America when it comes to law enforcement and the justice system.

Maybe this is a trick of the majority to once again misdirect our attentions to the pimple on the butt of the elephant instead of the elephant. Instead of dealing with the overall problem of selective enforcement through out the entire legal process (i.e., deployment, DWB, drug profiling, stops, arrests, charging, plea bargains, sentencing--can we say "three strikes", death penalty cases) this conversation starts and stops at DWB. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be stopped by the police, particularly in front of my two young boys, for simply being black. However, I am equally concerned about being stopped while walking down the street and "looking suspicious" while being black--or just plain being stopped under any circumstances.

I think that the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone black is to be put into the openly racist and hostile police state of this nations justice system or prisons. So I am concerned about more than being stopped and having my car searched, my time taken up and my money wasted on a ticket. I am concerned that these officers, can and do, plant evidence and unnecessarily inject our people into a system that is designed to dehumanize and destroy instead of humanize and rehabilitate.

Until the three strikes law is repealed, the law is enforced equally (e.g., since whites are the predominate crack users and dealers and the majority, they end up as the majority of people in jail on crack related charges) and the charging power of District Attorney's limited or regulated in some objective fashion, police charged and convicted when they murder innocent American's (e.g., Tyisha Miller, et al.), then DWB, while a problem, is not worth the time and attention it took me to write this article. And yes, I know that was a long run on sentence, but so what--after all, the justice systems crimes against Black's go on and on too.
