Wrong With Affirmative Action and Why It Must Go!
Jemal (1997) ![]() |
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The time for Affirmative Action is over. There
are several reasons for this drastic and controversial proclamation, but
the bottom line is that what others give, others can take away. It
is that plain and simple. White America provided affirmative actions
programs while it was a convenient way to dispel their guilt and make them
feel as though they had done something about the terrible injustice that
they heaped, either passively or actively, upon the Negro race. Well,
that time has passed. Now that white's are feeling the bite of the
harsh economic times prior feelings of guilt have been replaced with the
feelings of self preservation. It simply costs to much, on an individual
level, for them to suffer the to correct wrongs done to a faceless victim
of yesteryear. So affirmative action will go away, simply because
the majority wants it too. And no matter how much Negroes would like
to stop it, we neither have the numerical weight, political strength nor
cross-cultural alliances necessary to do so. But that is the simple reason why affirmative action must go. The main reason affirmative action must go is that it is longer effective. Sure some Negroes will benefit from it, don't get me wrong, however the vast majority of Negroes do not benefit in any way whatsoever from affirmative action programs. It is a very simple principle, that was best described by Frantz Fanon in The Wretched of the Earth. For revolution to take place the masses must be enraged and the middle class must be prepared to lead them. However, as long as the middle class only wants to become part of the upper class then no meaningful revolution will occur because the middle class doesn't want to change the system so much as to change their place within the existing system. Now what does all this have to do with affirmative action you ask? Well, the major effect of affirmative action was to allow the upper class and to some extent the middle class to move into the ranks of what I call the white middle class. Affirmative action as currently implemented is designed to provide an access to W. E. B. Du Bois's talented tenth of the population and the children of those who have independently reached a certain socio-economic level. Affirmative action has succeeded in doing this. However, a side effect of this is that it has divorced the talented tenth from the huddled masses (the poor lower class and the lower middle class) thereby weakening black america. This sound far fetched, but when you think about the black leadership of today it is not. The black benefactors of affirmative action have largely left the mass of black people and their problems behind. They do not agitate for pure change, but as Fanon pointed out the in fact quench the thirst of the lower classes in their attempts to simply change position. Don't misunderstand, I agree with Mr. Du Bois' the talented tenth needed to be recognized and advanced. However, I also agree with Booker T. Washington that the masses of Negroes also need some form of advancement. This is where affirmative action fails most. We often look around and wonder why inner cities and black communities are in such sad states. That is because there has been no serious outlet for the improvement of most of the Negro race. Our schools are horrible. Our children are deprived of parental guidance and time, in an endless effort of the parent trying to provide for the family and maintain their sanity. So what happens? Because affirmative action provides little or no meaningful improvement in the lives of blacks and the doors to the talented tenth are being shut, affirmative action is has passed its time. Another problem with affirmative action is that it is designed for most black and brown participants to fail. When you take someone who has been poorly educated and place that person in an education environment where they cannot be competitive then there is a problem with the system. Now let's think about this for a moment. If I go to an inner city school (which we all recognize is bad) and then get into a highly competitive university based solely upon my race and while there no further educational assistance (remedial, financial or otherwise) is provided what are my chances of success? But this is what happens all to often. Then when the conservative's or who decide that affirmative action is ineffective they point to the statistics that they very system created. Also, affirmative action by and large has only helped a small number of negroes and latinos. The largest group to benefit from affirmative action has been white women. Something is wrong with that statement. Not that I have a problem with assisting women (lord knows men have mistreated and still mistreat you), I do have a problem with a system supposedly designed to advance Negroes not achieving that goal. When one looks at the amount of slots or positions set aside for minority hiring it is disheartening at best. When one looks at the number of Negroes in upper and middle management one wants to cry. So not only has affirmative action been largely ineffective at getting Negroes in the door, it has been almost totally ineffective at providing upward mobility within the corporate structure. Finally, I do not advocate the wholesale dismantling of affirmative action, but I think that is the reality of what will happen. I propose simply that we recognize this eventuality and begin implementing what I call guerilla political tactics. We should actively fight for affirmative action, but only so that they will be willing to make concessions to make us go away. Those concessions should all be focused on one goal: educating our children. We know that our children will eventually have to compete without the crutch of affirmative action, so we must begin laying down the foundation to adequately prepare them to do so. That way instead of sending our talented tenth off unprepared they have the education knowledge to truly be competitive. Further, we must educate the masses so that they can see themselves within corporate America. America is no longer a production economy it is a service economy and as long as we are unprepared to provide service, we will always be unemployed and unemployable. Then we as a people must undo what the current affirmative action program has created. We must reinstall in our children and ourselves the knowledge that we must work harder than most to succeed. We must tell our children about when it was illegal for us to get educated, but we got education. We must tell them about slave children who managed to acquire enough education to get into Harvard law. We must teach them that even as slaves we ran American industry (metal and wood work - you know the stuff the massah didn't want to do - can't get those hands dirty after all). We must teach them pride and respect for others and for themselves. And we must teach them that they cannot rely solely on black pride, but that they must in fact do things to be worthy of respect themselves instead of using the latest phrase or saying. Affirmative action must go so that we can get back to the basics that our slave forefathers and foremothers taught, that we must always do our best and if we do we can compete with anyone in the world!
Response by Alicia Banks - The Eloquent Fury of KPFK Radio!
Affirmative action is mandatory for affirmative discrimination. Racist employers have proven that they will only be fair when forced to be so legally. Affirmative action ensures fairness in increasingly hostile and ruthless workplaces. Neoconservatives paint affirmative action as a program that favors the hiring of community college graduates over Ivy League graduates. It does no such thing. It does INCLUDE Black Ivy Leaguers in otherwise exclusively white Ivy League personnel pools. Racism forces most Black college graduates to be academically superior to their white peers. Whatever we do, racist professors force us to do it better than white students to achieve the same grades. Fortunately, we excel with habitual ease. Masterfully, neocons are revamping affirmative action programs to benefit white South Africans and conservative white, female Americans exclusively. Actually, it has always benefitted whites more than Blacks, as "quotas" are always predominately white numerically. Sexism is still more rampant than racism. Black men still earn more than Black women in similar jobs. White women fare better than all Blacks in every occupational arena. In 1984, author George Orwell coined the term "Newspeak". Neocons speak it fluently. "Affirmative action reform" really means "securing the good old white boy networks in offices everywhere". Racism is STILL a reality, especially in employment. The playing fields in the offices of America have never been made level. And, the racist coaches never changed the rules of the game. Don those helmets. This game is getting tougher daily. The New World Order is in progress. The Revolution is in the streets... 8/12/1998 09:47 |