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If you like this page, please provide a link to it on your web page and spread the word to all of your friends. Check out the Gallery. It is not for the faint of heart, but looks at why Black Americans need God. Join our mailing list so you can be kept abreast of changes to this site. We now have an award for excellent African-American sites on the web. Sign up today! Enjoy!

My essays currently on-line
- Should I Become a Single Parent?
- Mothers you are cheating your child if you do
- Driving While Black
- Why its not as important as you think
- Reparations
- A simple alternative plan
- Dear Sister
- An open and honest letter to black women from a black man
- Keeping It Real
- Why I hate that phrase
- Adultery, President & Mrs. Clinton, and Starr
- My take on President Clinton
- Affirmative
- What's Wrong With Affirmative Action and Why It Must
Go! My essay on what I think is wrong with affirmative
action and why it will be abolished!
- Jury Nullification
- My essay on whether blacks should engage in race
based jury nullification.
- Preaching to the Choir
- Exploring the futility of "pro-black" websites and discussion groups. Are they ineffective because they reach the wrong people?

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