Mr. Strever
- Rules and Procedures
A. When the bell rings,
students will be:
1. in seats
2. quiet
3. ready with materials on desk
B. 3 Tardies = 1 detention and 1 absence
C. Every tardy after the third
= 1 detention
A. 0-10 per semester: credit
B. 11-15 per semester: credit
MAY be denied based on situation; final decision up to teacher; if denied,
student may choose to appeal
C. over 15 per semester: credit
WILL be denied; student may choose to appeal
A. If you are given a detention
for any reason, you will serve that detention within two days of it being
issued. Example: if you receive the
detention on Tuesday, you will serve it no later than Thursday. If you receive it on Thursday, you will serve
it no later than Tuesday (no detention hall on Friday)
B. If you fail to serve the
detention within that week, you will be referred to your level administrator
Classroom procedures:
A. seats will be assigned
B. no food or drink during
C. use the bathroom before or
after class
D. Students will come prepared
with all materials for class. Failure to
bring materials will result in a detention.
Pens may be bought before class at a cost of 25 cents, which will go
towards a class fund.
A. regular daily work:
1. due the school day after it
is assigned
2. assignments will not be accepted after the due date
B. long-term assignments (more
than a day to complete):
1. loses 10% credit per day
2. assignments will not be accepted if more than a
week late
Absences and Missed Work:
A. Responsibility:
1. The STUDENT is responsible
for finding out about and making up ALL missing work
2. Check with a peer first to
find out what you missed, then ask me if you require further clarification
3. Be sure to obtain notes and
information on what happened during your absence
B. Homework and quizzes:
1. When you return, you will
have as many days as you were absent in which to make up any missing work
2. If students fail to make up
quizzes, they will be treated as late homework
3. If a student is late for
class, he must make arrangements to take quizzes outside of class
C. Tests:
1. You will have one week in
which to make up tests
2. These must be made up
OUTSIDE of class time
3. If students fail to make up
tests, they will be treated as late long-term assignments
A. Tests will be worth more
than 50 points
B. Daily work will be worth
10-20 points
C. All other assignments will
be weighted based on their size and scope
D. The quarter grade will be
the total number of points a student actually earned expressed as a percentage
of the total number of points it was possible to earn
points earned = 93% final grade
possible points
Extra Credit, Low Grades, Curves:
A. extra credit is automatically given to those who go
above and beyond the required work
B. extra credit is NOT given to
boost low grades
C. if there is a grade with
which you are dissatisfied, please discuss it with me and, at my discretion, we
may work out a plan to repair what caused the low grade
D. grades will NOT be curved
A. if a problem arises, please
talk to me without delay
B. the best time to talk to me
is before or after school, during my lunch or prep periods, during your lunch
or study periods
C. the worst times to talk to
me are immediately before or after class; I will not be able to give you my
full attention; please avoid bringing up major issues at these times