Ian A. Strever


Home Address: 47 Campfield Rd. ● Waterbury, CT 06708 ● (203) 788-9428

ianstrever@gmail.com ● http://www.geocities.com/istrever




University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT

M.Ed., Educational Leadership, (In Progress)


Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT

M.A., English – Writing Focus, May 2005

Thesis: “What Do I Do Now?”: The Anxiety of Poetic Craftsmanship

GPA: 4.0 Summa Cum Laude


Albright College, Reading, PA

B.A., English/Secondary Education, May 1996

GPA: 3.7 Cum Laude


Administrative Certificate – Connecticut (in progress)

Teacher Certificate – 6-12 English, Connecticut





Danbury Public Schools, Danbury, CT

English Teacher (1997 – Present)

·         Provided English instruction for students in grades ten through twelve. Class assignments included all levels of ability from remedial to honors.

·         Created and coordinated the annual Danbury High School Poetry Festival, bringing in a panel of guest poets to read and work with student writers. Hosted a day-long series of poetry events, including open-mics and poetry slams.

·         Created, developed and taught CyberEnglish, a course combining traditional literary texts with electronic media to challenge students to reach their potential through a more varied, individualized approach to learning.

·         Served as coach and advisor to various clubs and teams, including the school literary magazine, Poetry Slam team and Poetry Club, Lacrosse team, and Debate Club.


Naugatuck Valley Community College, Waterbury, CT

Professor of English,(2006-Present)

·         Developed syllabi and delivered instruction to students in ENG 101 and 063 classes.

·         Created and delivered online instruction in computer-enhanced version of ENG 101.





·         Trained as a BEST Mentor Teacher. Guided several student teachers through their internships prepared them for the Praxis exams. Mentored new teachers through the BEST program and the development of their professional portfolios.

·         Aspiring Principals Workshop, Connecticut Association of Secondary School Principals, Southbury, CT, October, 2005.




·         Selected as a Master Teacher for the Intel Teach to the Future program. Provided a series of workshops in technology to teachers in Danbury and New Milford school districts.

·         Presented “Message in the Music” workshop at the 1999 NCTE National Conference.

·         Developed and delivered numerous professional development workshops on internet use, webpage/website development and portfolio-based evaluation for teachers within and outside of the district.




Published poetry and essays in a number of literary and professional journals, including English Journal, Cimarron Review, and Fairfield Review.




·        Intel Master Teacher

·        National Council of Teachers of English (1996-Present)

·        National Education Association (1997-Present)

·        Winner of the Leslie Leeds Prize from the Connecticut Review.

·        Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers - 2005

·        Sigma Tau Delta (English Honorary Society)

·        Eagle Scout – Boy Scouts of America



References available upon request.