Honors English III & CyberEnglish

Honors English III is a challenging, focused study of American Literature. We examine literary theory, movements and practice more closely than the College Preparatory level class. Take a look below for more details.

I highly suggest personal copies of each book that we read during the year. This allows you to write in your copy, highlight, make notes, and become actively involved with the reading. Here is a tentative booklist for the year.

Consequently, many of our topics will require significant additional investigation outside of class. Below are some resources that may help us in our research:

  • Literary Movements – a very informative site that enumerates the major aspects of each movement as well as the themes, writers and works that portray them
  • American Literature - a complete site with dozens of links and information on American Literature
  • Outline of American Literature - another easy-to-use resource
  • Dictionary - for etymologies and specific definitions
  • Vocabulary words that might prove difficult in the year's reading and SAT's
  • Cheap books - get your own copies to write in and mark up; the only way to read!
  • HTML Links Page - Links to help you "spruce up" your webfolio
  • Writing help – the online writing lab (OWL) at Purdue University is one of the best.

Literary Criticism

Art of America

  • Art Links - Information on American fine art
  • Link to intranet resources

Cyber Sites

The Crucible

The Scarlet Letter

The Foundations of America & Rhetoric


Literature of Abolition and Slavery

  • Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs – journal and pictures from the life of an enslaved African American

Whitman & Dickinson

  • Online text of Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass
  • Online text of the 1924 edition of Emily Dickinson’s poems. Go to the section headings and click on one to find the poems.

The Red Badge of Courage

The Great Gatsby

  • Student-created websites, filled with great information about the book! Don't get spooked!
  • Literary criticism on Gatsby; grouped by type of critical perspective

Author Links (in progress)

Ernest Hemingway

  • Hemingway - Information on Ernest Hemingway and others in the "Lost Generation"

William Faulkner

Tim O'Brien

  • Fascinating lecture on his notion of storytelling and "truth". Real Audio and text included.

Women's Literature

Minority Literature

Modern American Writing


Nickel and Dimed

·         Link to the official website for the book. Includes information on Ehrenreich’s book, articles by her, and relevant links.