The human histories, of both evolution and civilizations, have taught us one great lesson, a lesson that is
absolutely important for our existence: By nature and by necessity, we must live in a network of societies
and all these societies are founded on some kind of social contracts. The fundamental fact of our lives is that
the terms of these contracts have always been and will continue to be dictated by those members who have the
greater share of powers. On the one hand, some of our human beings, overwhelmed by their evil nature, have
continued to perpetuate all sorts of atrocities on their fellow humans. On the other hand, the leaders of
humanity- philosophers, intellectuals, politicians and others- have erected irresistible movements against
those atrocities. These fights between evil and good have continue to make the terms of the contracts more humane.
In the first half of this century, we had witnessed two devastating world wars which ended with the unspeakable
devastation of nuclear bombs. If a third world war ever takes place, let's not think about it, that will
culminate in the elimination of all living beings from the planet earth.
In the second half of this century, we have been subjected to the severe coldness of the Cold War between two
super powers. To the great relief of mankind, the Cold War has eventually ended and we have become temporarily
relieved from the terror of nuclear holocaust.
The collapse of socialism has initiated a whole new political game in the world. The values and beliefs that once
inspired the political leaders all over the world, the North in particular, to build humane societies for their
peoples- societies ruled by the qualities which make the two-footed animals humans- no longer form the basis of
public policies around the globe. The values and beliefs that once inspired Western leaders to contain the evil
nature of Capitalism, in order to build welfare states for their peoples, are now considered to be old-fashioned
and out-dated.
The world politics, which basically means politics of the North, is now being guided by two paradigms: globalization
and neo-liberalism. Both these paradigms carry identical message: government must be sized and private sector must
be allowed to take greater responsibilities to shape both the economies and the societies. In other words,
Capitalism in its naked form is being advocated for shaping, in years ahead, both the world economy and the
world society. In the Third World and the recently dismantled East, these paradigms are be executed under the
following banners: structural adjustment, privatization, NGO approach, civil society etc.
To understand the implications of the changed world political structure and the subsequent and consequent developments
of new world paradigms, and to foresee their effects on the world that is being built, we must take note of two facts.
The first fact is that the world population, taking an oversimplified position, is divided into three blocks: the
First World consisting of the peoples of the North, the Second World consisting of the peoples of the previous
and current socialist countries and the Third World consisting the rest of the population of the globe. These
divisions of world population are primarily based on economic criteria. I however want to underline a different
factor that distinguishes the peoples of these three worlds: this factor concerns the possession of human knowledge
and the material and intellectual abilities of generating new knowledge. The second fact is the unprecedented
developments in science and technology, particularly in the fields of communications and transportation. These
developments have virtually eliminated the obstruction to communication of information and financial transactions.
They have significantly reduced the barriers to world trade and commerce opening the greater opportunities to
exploit the human potentialities and prospects.
Given this situation, we can hardly quarrel with the expected outcome, which appears to be quite obvious, that
the world is going to be ever more inequitable. It is not the possession of natural resources that will accelerate
the disparities between peoples of the North and the rest of the world, but it is the stock of knowledge and the
power to generate new knowledge that will make them happen. As a result, human sufferings will definitely increase
in the Second and the Third worlds, but low income peoples in the North will also be affected. This is because
the political leaders in the North are refusing to accept their (the state) responsibilities to protect their
citizens whom the Nature has not treated very favourably.
In view of this situation, the questions arise: Is Capitalism, as being advocated and executed by the world
paradigms of Globalization and Neo-Liberalism, a cure to the horrendous problems that peoples all over the
world are facing? Can there be sustainable economies (development) without sustainable societies? Can there
be a sustainable world economy without sustainable economies all over the world, particularly in the Second
and the Third worlds? Finally, is Globalization and Neo-Liberalism are the models for shaping the global economy
and the global society in this highly intellectually advanced world?
My research interests concern primarily with investigating these questions and finding specific answers. I will
be truly happy to associate myself and/ or cooperate with any body or any organization which are interested
in these issues.
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