Curriculum vitae
Personal Details:
- Name:
- Dr. Khandakar Qudrat-I-Elahi
- Present Mailing Address:
- Willow Road, Guelph, ON N1H 1V7
Tel: (519) 836 5293
- 1988
- Ph.D.
University of Guelph, Canada
[Thesis title: An Analysis of the Impact of the External Value
of the Canadian Dollar on the Canadian Wheat Economy]
- 1982
- M.S.
University of Guelph, Canada
[Thesis title: Performance of Marketing Boards:
An Analysis of the Level and Stability in the Poultry and Table Egg Markets in Canada]
- 1978
- M.Sc. Ag. Econ.
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
[Thesis title: A Functional Analysis of Credit
Institutions in Bangladesh]
- 1976
- B.Sc.Ag. Econ. (Honours)
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
Job Experience:
- 1996 - to date
- Visitor
Department of Economics
University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
- Oct.1991 - May.1996
- Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural Finance
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh.
- Oct.1994 - Oct.1995
- Commonwealth Academic Fellow
School of Economic Studies
The University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K.
- Feb.1988 - Oct.1991
- Assistant Professor
Department of Agricultural Finance
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh.
- May. 1979 - Jan.1988
- Lecturer
Department of Agricultural Finance
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh.
Scholarship and Fellowship:
- British Commonwealth Academic Fellowship in 1994-95 for post-doctoral research
at the School of Economic Studies, The University of Manchester, England.
- Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship from September 1980 to August 1985 to study
agricultural economics at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Business, University of Guelph, Canada.
Academic Interests:
- The current academic interests concern two interrelated and complementary research
areas. These are
(i) Economics and Politics of World Development and
(ii) Economics and Politics of Bangladesh.
The first area involves investigations into the ideas and issues related to the concepts: neo-liberalism,
Third World development, globalization, privatization, structural adjustments, NGO approach to poverty alleviation,
micro-credit, civil society, good governance, etc. These are the recent intellectual paradigms determining the public
policies- political, social and economic- throughout the world and shaping the economies and societies around the globe.
The second area involves investigations into the issues and problems which are uniquely Bangladesh related.
The approaches to these investigations are to integrate the academic and the journalistic research methods in order
to make the complex economic, social and political issues comprehendible to the general people and policy makers, and
to create debates in the national and international fora.
Memberships in Scientific Societies:
- Editor, Farm Economy, A Journal of the Bangladesh Agricultural Economists' Association.
- Associate Editor, The Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics.
- Member, Executive Committee, Bangladesh Agricultural Economists' Association.
- Member, Executive Committee, Bureau of Socioeconomic Research and Training, Bangladesh Agricultural University.
- Member, Editorial Board of The Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics, for 1989 and 1990.
- Member, Coordination Committee, Rural Social Science Network (RSSN).
- Member, Seminar Committee, Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Bangladesh Agricultural University.
- Member, Bangladesh Economic Association
Published Research Reports/ Workshop Proceedings:
- Elahi, K. Q. and K.M. Mustafizur Rahman. 1995. "Measuring the Impact of Institutional
Credit on Foodgrain Production in Bangladesh. BUREAU OF SOCIOECONOMIC RESEARCH AND TRAINING. BAU. Mymensingh.
Bureau of Socioeconomic Research and Training. BAU, Mymensingh. Research Report No. 23.
- Rahman, M.L. and K.Q. Elahi. 1993. An Economic Study of the Crop Insurance Programme in Bangladesh: Some Preliminary Results. In BANGLADESH AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY RESEARCH PROGRESS. No. 7.
- Elahi, K.Q., M.M. Dey, and M.A. Hakim. 1992. Reducing Small Farmer Vulnerability to Impoverishment in Bangladesh: An Action Programme. In Reducing Small Farmer vulnerability in Bangladesh.
Proceedings of the BRRI workshop held in Joydebpur, 30-31, May, 1992.
Research and Training. BAU, Mymensingh. Research Report No. 5.
- Elahi, K.Q. and M.A. Jabbar. 1980. ADMINISTRATION OF AGRICULTURAL CREDIT IN BANGLADESH. Bureau of Socioeconomic Research and Training. BAU. Mymensingh. Research Report No. 4.
- Bashar, M.A. and K.Q. Elahi. 1979. Agricultural Credit- A Challenge for Commercial Banks. GRADUATE TRAINING INSTITUTE, BAU. GTI Publication No. 8
Book Reviews:
- Singh, Inderjit. 1990. THE GREAT ASCENT : THE RURAL POOR IN THE SOUTH ASIA. Baltimore and London : The Johns Hopkins University Press. In THE BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. Vol. 14, No. 1, 1991.
- Mellor, John W. and Raisuddin Ahmed (eds.) 1988. AGRICULTURAL POLICY FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. Baltimore and London : The John Hopkins University Press. In THE BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, Vol. 12, NO. 1. 1989.
Selected Publications:
- Elahi, K. Q. 1995. "Impact of Institutional Credit on Paddy Production in Bangladesh". JOURNAL OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT. India. Vol. 14, No.3.
- Elahi, K. Q., M. F. Islam and K. M. Mustafizur Rahman. 1994. "Borrower Viability: A Test of Success of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh". BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. Vol. XVII, No. 1&2.
- Islam, M. S. and K. Q. Elahi 1993. Production Technology and Profitability of Small Scale Marine Fishing in Bangladesh. BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. Vol. XVI, No. 2.
- Elahi, K.Q. 1992. Comments on Seasonality of Foodgrain Price and Procurement Programme in Bangladesh Since Liberation : An Exploratory Study. BANGLADESH DEVELOPMENT STUDIES. Vol. XX, No. 1.
- Sabur, S. A. and K. Q. Elahi. 1992. Trend and Inter-temporal Paddy Price Fluctuation in Bangladesh. BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. Vol. 15 No. 2.
- Modak, P. C. and K. Q. Elahi. 1992. Socioeconomic Characteristics of Borrowers Causing Crop Loan Default: A Discriminant Analysis. THE BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. Vol. 15 No. 2.
- Islam, M.S. and K.Q. Elahi. 1991. Estimation of Jute Hectarage Allocation Function from Farm Level Data in Bangladesh. JOURNAL OF DEVELOPING ECONOMIES, Quarterly Journal of the Institute of Developing Countries, Japan. Vol. 29, No.1.
- Elahi, K.Q., M.M. Dey, M.A. Hakim and F. Hoque. 1991. Removing Constraints on Small Farmers Development in Bangladesh : An Action Programme for the Fourth Five Year Plan Period. FARM ECONOMY. Bangladesh. Vol. 8.
- Islam, M.S., and K.Q. Elahi. 1991. Impact of Handloom Weaving on Employment and Income of Small Farmers in Some Selected Areas of Bangladesh. BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. Vol. 14, No.1.
- Elahi, K.Q. 1990. Estimation of Multi-Country Exchange Rate Model. ARTHA VIJNANA, Journal of the Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, India, Vol.32 No.1.
- Elahi, K.Q. 1990. A Model for Estimating Linear Trend in Production, Area and Yield of Agricultural Crops. BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. Vol. 13, No. 1 & 2.
- Elahi, K.Q., A.M.M. Husain and M.L. Rahman. 1990. A Methodology for Estimating Growth Rates of Major Cereal Crops in Bangladesh and Its Policy Implications. BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. Vol.10 No.3.
- Elahi, K.Q. and M.A.S. Mandal. 1990. Implementation of Land Reforms and Agricultural Labour ( Minimum Wages ) Ordinances, 1984 - A Closer Look. BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. Vol. 11 No. 2B.
- Rahman, M.L. and K.Q. Elahi. 1990. Crop Insurance as a Risk Reducing Measure : Some Issues and Problems in Bangladesh. BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Vol. 4 No. 1.
- Elahi, K.Q. 1989. A Note on the Methodology for calculating Per Cent Rates of Changes. BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. Vol. 12. No. 2.
- Elahi, K.Q. 1986. Reorganizing Agricultural Economics Programme at the Bangladesh Agricultural University. BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. Vol.9 No.1
- Jabbar, M.A., M.A.S. Mandal and K.Q. Elahi. 1980. Usufructuary Land Mortgage : A Process Contributing to Growing Landlessness in Bangladesh. BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. Vol. 3, No. 2.
Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop Papers:
- Conceptualizing a New Approach to Third World Development. Presented in OUR WORLD, the Seminar Series of The Cooperative International Development Studies of The University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 21 January, 1997.
- An Economic Study of Crop Insurance Programme in Bangladesh: Summary of Final Report. Presented at the Annual Workshop of Research Projects Co-ordinated by Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System (BAURES) held in Mymensingh during October 18-20, 1993.
- Measuring the Impact of Institutional Credit on Food Production in Bangladesh. Presented at the Workshop of the Research Projects coordinated by the Winrock International, HRDP, during 10-11 july, 1993 in Dhaka.
- An Economic Study of Crop Insurance Programme in Bangladesh: Some Preliminary Results from Farm Level Investigation. Presented at the Annual Workshop of Research Projects Co- ordinated by Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System (BAURES) held in Mymensingh during September 22-26, 1992.
- An Economic Study of Crop Insurance Programme in Bangladesh: Some Preliminary Results. Presented at the Annual Workshop of Research Projects Co-ordinated by Bangladesh Agricultural University Research System (BAURES) held in Mymensingh during September 18-21, 1991.
- A Model for Estimating Linear Trends in Production, Area and Yield of Agricultural Crops. Presented at the 16th Annual Conference of the Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science, held in Dhaka during 5-7 July 1991.
- Implementation of Land Reforms and Agricultural Labour (Minimum Wages) Ordinances 1984 - A Closer Look. Presented at the 9th Biannual Conference of the Bangladesh Economic Association, held in Dhaka in January 1991.
- Removing Constraints on Small Farmer Development in Bangladesh: An Action Programme for the Fourth Five Year Plan Period. Presented at the 8th National Conference of the Bangladesh Agricultural Economists' Association, held in Dhaka in January, 1991.
- A New Methodology for Estimating Growth Rates of Major Cereal Crops in Bangladesh and its Policy Implication. Presented at the regional seminar on " Bangladesh Agriculture : Impact of Government Policies" organized by the Bangladesh Economic Association and the Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology on 14 June 1990.
- Removing the Constraints on Small Farmer Development in Bangladesh. Presented at the Planning Commission of Bangladesh in 1989.
A Biographic Sketch:
- Born in a small village in Tangail district in 1953. Obtained S.S.C. degree from Karatia High School in 1969 and B. Sc. Ag.
Econ. (Hons) and M. Sc. Ag. Econ. degrees from Bangladesh agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh respectively in 1976
and 1978. Joined as a Lecturer at BAU in 1979 and came to the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada for higher studies in
agricultural economics in 1980 under the Commonwealth Scholarship Plan. Returned to Bangladesh in January 1988 with MS and
Ph. D. degrees and taught at BAU till October 1994. In October 1994, came to The University of Manchester, England for
post-doctoral research with a Commonwealth Academic Fellowship for a year. Currently, a landed immigrant in Canada and
working as a Visitor in the Department of Economics, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
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