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05 Nov. 97

My Articles

This page will contains all of my popular articles, which have already been published in different news papers including the Internet edition.


  1. Voter Identity Card: A Costly and Cursedly Fantasy!- The Daily Star, 25 June, 1998
  2. Voter's ID card: costly experiment- The Independent, 24 June, 1998
  3. CHT TREATY AND ITS CONSTITUTIONAL COMPLEXITY- News from Bangladesh, 19 January, 1998
  4. Living with a Giant- News from Bangladesh, 01 January, 1998
  5. CHT Treaty, National Integrity and Sovereignty- The Daily Star, 27 December, 1997
  6. Looking At Cht Treaty Through BNP's Eye- News from Bangladesh, 18 December, 1997
  7. Why Must We and How Can We Outlaw Political Hartals? - The Daily Star, 06 December, 1997
  8. A Referendum On Political Hartals- News from Bangladesh, 29 November, 1997
  9. What Kingdoms Are But Great Gangs Of Criminals!- News from Bangladesh, 15 November, 1997
  10. 'What Kingdoms are but Great Gangs of ....'- The Daily Star, 14 October, 1997
  11. Good News For NGOs And Business People- The Daily Star, 09 September, 1997

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Update: 22 January 1998

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