Curriculum Vitae
Personal Details:
- Name:
- Dr. M. Abul Kashem
- Present Mailing Address:
- Professor
(Technology Transfer and Sustainable Agricultural Development)
Department of Agricultural Extension Education
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh 2202, BANGLADESH
Tel: +880-(0)91-52101 / 52160 / 52161 /55695 extn. 2239(Office)
+880-(0)91-52101 / 52160 / 52161 /55695 extn. 2640(res.)
Fax: +880-(0)91-55810
Personal Homepage:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympuis/1176/
Date of birth: 16 June 1953
Father's name: Moulovi Nur Ahmed Akanda (deceased)
Nationality: Bangladeshi (by birth)
Permanent home address:
Village - Niz Sheikh Sundor
P.O. - Barakhata
Dist. - Lalmonirhat, BANGLADESH
Marital status: Married
Number of children: one
Religion: Islam (sunni)
- 1986
- Ph.D. (Academic year: 1985-86)
University of Reading, United Kingdom
- 1976
- M.Sc. (Ag.Ext.Ed.) (Academic year: 1974-75)
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
- 1975
- B.Sc.Agric. (Honours) (Academic year: 1973-74)
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
Service Experience:
- Aug.1993 - to date
- Professor
Department of Agricultural Extension Education
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh.
- Feb.1988 - Aug.1993
- Associate Professor
Department of Agricultural Extension Education
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh.
- Jul.1981 - Feb.1988
- Assistant Professor
Department of Agricultural Extension Education
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh.
- Aug.1980 - Jun.1981
- Assistant Professor
Graduate Training Institute
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh.
- Dec.1979 - Aug.1980
- Lecturer
Department of Agricultural Extension Education
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh.
- Jun. 1978 - Dec.1979
- Lecturer
Graduate Training Institute
Bangladesh Agricultural Institute, Bangladesh.
- Feb. 1978 - Jun.1978
- Scientific Officer
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute
Gazipur, Bangladesh
- Jan. 1977 - Feb.1978
- Plant Protection Inspector
Directorate of Agriculture (E&M)
Ministry of Agriculture, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Other Experiences:
- Oct.1996 - Feb.1997
- Manager (Administration and Personnel)
RD-9 Project, Rangpur Region Rural Development (RRRDP), Bangladesh Rural Development
Board (BRDB) sponsored by the European Commission (EC)
- Dec.1993 - Jun.1994
- Senior Socio-Economist
System Rehabilitation Project(SRP) under the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
funded by the IDA-World Bank, World Food Program (WFP) and European Commission
- Jun.1990 - Jun.1992
- Socio-Economist (part time)
Bangladesh- Netherlands Seed Multiplication Program (BNSMP) under the
Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation(BADC) sponsored by the Dutch Executive
Agency and Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
- Jan.1983 - May.1983
- Project Officer (part time)
Bangladesh Agricultural University Extension Centre (BAUEC)
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Awards received:
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Sceince (JSPS) Invitation Fellowship
for conducting Postdoctoral Research in Japan during 1997 - 1998.
- Commonwealth Scholarship during 1983 - 1986 for higher research degree
leading to Ph.D.
Research Experience:
Study/Training Courses Attended:
- Training course on "Gender Analysis and Its Application in Agriculture" sponsored
by BARC, Dhaka and organized by BARD, Kotbari, Comilla, 20- 23 November 1995.
- Workshop on "The Implications of Environmental and Sustainability Issues for the
Organization and Practice of Agricultural Extension" organized by the Agricultural
Extension and Rural Development Department, the University of Reading, U.K., 16 January - 03 February 1995 .
- Training course on " Research Planning Evaluation" sponsored by the Agricultural
Research Council in collaboration with Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, 14 - 29 August 1988.
- Training course on "Communication" sponsored by the Graduate Training Institute,
BAU, 4 - 6 May 1982.
- Training course on "Bio-gas Technology and Bio-fertilizer Production" sponsored by
UNESCO, BAAS, and BCSIR held at the Bangladesh Agricultural University, 9 - 20 February 1981.
- Special study program in "Extension Education and administration, and Supervision
in Extension" under the supervision of the office of International Agricultural
programs of the University of Wisconsin, Madision.U.S.A., 15 January - 15 June, 1979.
Involvement in the Professional Socities:
- Bangladesh Agricultural Extension Society (BAES).
- Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BASS).
- Bangladesh Krishibeed Samittee (BKS).
- Bangladesh Phytopathological Society (BPS).
- Association of British Universities Alumni (ABUA).
- International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR).
- Kashem, M.A. and S.G. Mahboob (1981) Relationships of Selected Personal and Psychological Characteristics of the Landless Labourers with their Problem Confrontation. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(2): 181-190.
- Mahboob, S.G. and M.A. Kashem (1981) Relationships of Selected Economic Characteristics of the Landless Labourers with their Problem Confrontation. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 8(2): 133-145.
- Kashem, M.A. and S.G. Mahboob (1982) Causes of being Landless of the Landless Labourers. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 9(2):143-147.
- Kashem, M.A. (1987) Alternative Approches to Extension under the Training and Visit (T&V) System in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Extension Education, 2 (special seminar issue): 67-85.
- Kashem, M.A. (1987) Present Problems of Agricultural Extension - A Discussion. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 2(special seminar issue) :100-103.
- Kashem, M.A. (1987) Small Farmers' Constraints to the Adoption of Modern Rice Technology. The Bangladesh Development Studies, XV(4): 119-130.
- Kashem, M.A. (1987) An Analysis of Differences between Adopters and Non-adopters of High Yielding Varieties of Rice among Small Farmers. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Economics, X(2): 75-87.
- Kashem, M.A. (1987) Small Farmers' Need for Institutional Credit in Bangladesh. Savings and Development, XI (2): 181-190.
- Kashem, M.A. (1987) History and Development of Agriculture and Advisory Services in Bangladesh - The Past, Present and Future. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 2(2) : 91-100.
- Kashem, M.A. (1987) Emancipation of Small Farmers in Bangladesh and the need for Formation of their Groups. ADAB News ( a Bi-monthly Development Journal), XIV(6):11-13.
- Kashem, M.A. (1988) Land Reform in Bangladesh. Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives, 1 & 2: 63-68.
- Kashem, M.A. (1988) The Rejection of Innovation. South African Journal of Agricultural Extension, 17: 11-14.
- Kashem, M.A. and Gwyn E. Jones (1988) Small Farmers' Perceptions of Obstacles to Improved Rice Cultivation in Bangladesh. Agricultural Administration and Extension, 29(4): 293-300.
- Kashem, M.A. and G.E. Jones (1988) Obstacles in Individual Innovation Decision-Making. Indian Journal of Extension Education, XXIV (3 & 4): 1-8.
- Kashem, M.A. (1988) Quoting References in Dissertation, Scientific Papers and Reports. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 1 (1) :71-77.
- Kashem, M.A. (1988) Land Ownership Pattern and Tenancy Relationships in Bangladesh. The Journal of Rural Development, XVIII(1): 49-59.
- Kashem, M.A. (1988) Krishi Sampresaroner Utpatti, Prokriti abong Samprotik Chintabhabna ( Origin of Agricultural Extension, Nature and its Recent Concept). Krishi Katha ( a monthly development journal in agriculture), 48(3): 123-125.
- Kashem, M.A. (1988) Factors Responsible for Rice Cultivation Obstacles as Faced by the Small Farmers. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 1(2): 64-73.
- Kashem, M.A. (1988) Extension's Role towards Agricultural Development. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 3(1): 35-38.
- Kashem, M.A. (1988) Transfer of Technologies in Agriculture: The Obstacles and Consequences. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 3(2): 55.
- Kashem, M.A. and Gwyn E. Jones (1988) Small Farmers Contact with Information Sources and its Relationships with some Selected Characteristics. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 3(1): 1-7.
- Kashem, M.A. and G.C. Sarker (1988) Poultry Problem Confrontation as faced by the Farmers in Tarundia Union of Mymensingh District. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science, 17(1&2) 17-22.
- Mahboob, S.G. and M.A. Kashem (1988) Usefulness of the Small Farmers Training Programme. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 1(1): 9-16.
- Sarker, G.C., M.A. Kashem and M.A. Hossain (1988) Relationship of Selected Characteristics of the Poultry Farmers with their Poultry Problem Confrontation. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 1(2): 54-63.
- Kashem, M.A. and S.M.A. Hossain (1988) An Analysis of Training Programme in Soybean Production, Utilization and Extension. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 3(2): 77-81.
- Kashem, M.A. (1989) Correlates of Non-localite Behaviour of Small Farmers. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 4(1&2): 39-44.
- Kashem, M.A. and S.M.A. Hossain (1989) Impact of Training in Improving Professional Competency of the Development Communicators towards Rural Development in Bangladesh. The Journal of Rural Development, XIX(2): 99-104.
- Kashem, M.A., A. Hossain, A. Halim and M.M. Islam (1989) Relationships of Selected Characteristics of Extension Personnel with their Problem Confrontation. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 4(1&2): 65-70.
- Kashem, M.A. and W.H.M. Jaim (1990) Possibility of self Sufficiency in Food through Rice Production in Bangladesh - Some Contradictions. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Social Sciences, 3 & 4 (1&2): 55-56,
- Kashem, M.A. (1990) Differences in Knowledge Gain between Pre and Post-test of the Bank Officers. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 3(1): 101-103.
- Kashem, M.A. (1990) Interrelationships of the Characteristics of the Small Farmers. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 17(1): 31-38.
- Kashem, M.A. (1990) Land Use Pattern in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 17(2): 205-207.
- Hossain, A., M.A. Kashem, A. Halim and M.A. Hossain (1990) Relationships of Selected Characteristics of Extension Personnel with their Problem Confrontation. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 3(2): 69-75.
- Saha, P.K., M.R. Haider, A. Halim, and M.A. Kashem (1990) Performance of Contact Farmers under the Training and Visit (T & V) System. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 3(2): 77-86.
- Kashem, M.A. and M.M. Islam (1990) Comparative Analysis of Knowledge, Attitude and Adoption Agricultural Practices between the Contact and Non-contact Farmers under the Training and Visit System. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 5(1 & 2): 1-7.
- Haider, M.R., M.M. Islam and M.A. Kashem (1990) Contact Farmers Credibility in Disseminating Extension Messages under the Training and Visit System of Extension Work.Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 5(1 & 2): 47-54.
- Kashem, M.A. (1990) Rational Conscientization of the Landless and Small Farmers in Bangadesh. The Bangladesh Rural Development Studies, 11(2): 39-43.
- Kashem, M.A. (1991) Inconveniences in Rice Cultivation as Perceived by Small Farmers. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 18(1): 111-117.
- Kashem, M.A. (1991) Effect of Distance on the Desirable Attributes and Rice Cultivation Obstacles of the Small Farmers. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 18(2): 237-241.
- Kashem, M.A. (1991) Opinion Leaders' Knowledgeability and Source Credibility as Communicators of Technical Advice. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 4(2): 61-66.
- Kashem, M.A. (1991) The Role of Opinion Leaders in the Transfer of Modern Agricultural Technologies to Small Farmers. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 6(1&2): 1-12.
- Kashem, M.A. (1991) Small Farmers Opinion on the Measures for Removing of Obstacle to Adoption of Modern Rice Cultivation Practices. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 6(1&2)
- Kashem, M.A. M.Z. Rahman and M.H. Rahman (1992) Credibility of the Block Supervisors as Communicators. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 7(1&2): 23-32.
- Kashem, M.A. A. Halim, & M.Z. Rahman (1992) Farmers' Use of Communication Media in Adopting Agricultural Technologies- A Farm level Study in Bangladesh. Asia-pacific journal of Rural Development, II (1): 94-112.
- Kashem, M.A. & M.Z. Rahman (1992) Communication Media used by the Farmers in the Adoption of Modern Rice Technologies: A Study in Bangladesh. The Journal of development communication, 2(3): 17-25.
- Kashem, M.A. and A. Hossain (1992) Adoption Behaviour of Sugarcane Growers. Indian Journal of Extension Education, XXVIII (1&2): 92-96.
- Kashem, M.A. and M.M. Islam (1992) Differences between the Contact and Non-contact Farmers Under the Training and Visit System: A Farm Level Study. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 7(1&2): 95-100.
- Rahman, M.H. & M.A. Kashem (1993) Growing and Marketing Problems of Pulse Crops in Bangladesh. Economic Affairs, 38(1) : 24-30.
- Rahman, M.S. M.A. Kashem and M.S. Islam (1993) Improved Cropping Pattern at Barind Area, Rajshahi: A Challenge for Maintaining Soil Fertility and Productivity. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 20(1): 131-134.
- Rahman, M.M., M.A. Kashem & D.K. Mahfuz (1993) Economic Attributes of the Small Farmers and Their Use of Institutional Credit. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 8 (1&2): 47-52.
- Kashem, M.A. (1993) Appropriate Extension Strategies for Developing Countries: The case of Bangladesh. Pp. 29-50, In: R.K. Samanta (ed.) Extension strategy for Agricultural Development in 21st Century. New Delhi: Mittal Publications.
- Kashem, M.A., M.Z. Rahman and K.M.M. Islam (1994) A Study on the Block Supervisors: Their Roles, Perception about Supervisors and Satisfaction. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 7(1): 17-23.
- Anwar, A.B.M., M.A. Kashem and S.G. Mahboob (1994) Participation of Rural Youth in Selected Agriculture and Income Earning Activities: An Empirical Study. The Journal of Rural Development, 24(2): 49-62.
- Rahman, M.H. and M.A. Kashem (1995) Farmers' Perception about the Growing and Marketing Problems of Oil Crops in Bangladesh - A Farm Level Study. Economic Affairs, 40(2): 106-111.
- Kashem, M.A. & M.Z. Rahman (1995) Relationships of Selected Personal and Economic Attributes of the Block Supervisors with their Credibility as Communicators. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 8(1&2): 34-41.
- Bashar, M.K., M. A. Kashem, A. Halim, A.S.M.Z. Karim and N. Ara (1995). Relationships of Selected Characteristics of Sugarcane Growers with their Adoption of Intercropping in Sugar Mills Zone. Bangladesh Journal of Sugarcane, 17:91-97.
- Akanda,M.G.R and M.A. Kashem(1995). Relationships of Selected Characteristics of Mukta (BR 11) Rice Growers with their Problem Confrontation in Using Fertilizers. Progreesive Agriculture, 6(2):139-143.
- Lawrence, A., C. Garforth, S.C.Dagoy, A. S. Go, A Hossain, M.A. Kashem, K.S. Krishna, V. Naika and J. Vasanthakuma (1996). Agricultural Extension, the environment and sustainability: research in Bangladesh, India and Philippines. Agricultural Research and Extension Newsletter, 33: 1-9.
- Ali, M.O. and M. A. Kashem (1996). Relationships of Selected Characteristics of Rural Women with their Problem Confrontation in Working in Groups. Economic Affairs, 41(4):250-52.
- Kashem, M. A. , M. M. Rahman and M. A. Haque (1996). Problems Faced by the Resourceless Women in Participating in Group Activities.Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25(2):
- Karim, M.L. and M. A. Kashem (1997) Relationships of Selected Characteristics of Kakrol (Momordica dioica) Growers with Their Problem Confrontation. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 10(1&2):49-54.
- Kashem, M.A., M. Z. Rahman & H. Mikuni (1997) Combating Environmental Degradation in Bangladesh : New Urge for Sustainable Agricultural Development.Applied Biological Science, 36(2): 115 -130.
- Anwar, A.B.M. & M.A. Kashem (1997) Participation of Rural Youth in Selected Agricultural Activities. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 9 (Special Issue): 11-20.
- Uddin, M.A., M.H. Rashid & M.A. Kashem (1997) Relationships of Selected Characteristics of Sugarcane Growers with Their Perception of Information on Sugarcane Cultivation. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 9 (Special Issue) :121 - 126.
- Akanda, M.G., M.A. Kashem & M.M. Rahman (1997) Problem Confrontation of the Farmers in Mukta (BR 11) Rice Cultivation Regarding Plant Protection Measures. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education, 9 (Special Issue) : 133 - 138.
- Rahman, M.Z., M. A. Kashem and H. Mikuni (1997). Farmers' Communication Behaviour for Technological Intervention: A Japan-Bangladesh Cross-Cultural Study. Journal of Interacademicia, 1(4spl.):277-290. India.
- Anwar, A.B.M., M. A. Kashem and M. M. Islam(1997). Participation of Rural Youth in Selected Household Activities in Bangladesh. Journal of Extension Education, 8(2):1648-1653. Tamil Nadu, India.
- M.M. Islam and M. A. Kashem(1997). Attitude of Farmers Towards the Use of Agro-chemicals. Bangladesh Journal of Training and Development, 10(1&2).
- Anwar,A.B.M., M.A. Kashem and S.G. Mahboob(1997). Interest, Participation and Time Use of Rural Youth in Selected Agricultural Activities. Indian Journal of Extension Education, XXII(3&4):81-89.India.
- Kashem, M. A. and Hi Mikuni(1998).Agricultural Extension Services in Japan and Bangladesh: Lessons Learned and Future Strategies. Journal of Agricultural and Fisheries Economics of Hiroshima University, 8:49-80.Japan.
- Kashem, M. A., H.Mikuni and M.Z. Rahman(1998). Contact with Information Sources of the Japanese Farmers in respect of Organic Farming and Environmentally-Friendly Agriculture(EFA). Journal of Agricultural and Fisheries Economics of Hiroshima University, 8:81-88.Japan.
- Kashem, M.A.(1998). Social Development and Poverty Alleviation:A New Thrust of RD-9 Project. Economic Affairs, 43(1):13-20.India.
- Chowdhury, M.S.H, M. A. Kashem and M.A.M. Miah(1998). Loan Utilization Behaviour of the Women Beneficiaries of Grameen Bank:An Empirical Study in Bangladesh. Economic Affairs, 43(2):160-167.India.
- Kashem,and H. Mikuni(1998).Farm Techniques Used by the Japanese Farmers in Achieving Sustainable Agricultural Development. Applied Biological Science, 39-52.Japan.
- Kashem, M.A., M.M. Rahman and M.A. Haque(1998).Probelems Faced by the Resourceless Women in Participating in Group Activities. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25(1):77-81.
- Hasan, A.F.M., M.A. Kashem and M.R. Haider(1998).Personal and Situational Problem Confrontation of the Block Supervisors in Supervising Result Demonstration. Bangladesh journal of Training and Development,11(1&2):23-32.
- Kashem, M. A.(1998).Comparative Use of Personal Localite, Personal Cosmopolite and Mass Contact Media in Using Indigenous Technical knowledge(ITK) by the Farmers in Bangladesh. Progressive Agriculture, 9(1&2):1-12.
- Kashem, M.A. and M. M. Islam (1999).Use of Indigenous Technologies in Agriculture by the Rural Men and Women: An Empirical Study in Bangladesh. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 14(2):27-43.USA.
- M.M. Islam and M. A. Kashem(1999).Farmers' Use of Ethno-veterinary Medicine (EMM) in the Rearing and Management of Livestock: An Empirical Study in Bangladesh. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 13(4):39-56.USA.
- Kashem, M. A., A.B.M.N. Anwar, M.M.Islam and M.A. Islam(1999). Attitude of Farmers Towards the Use of Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) in Agriculture. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 26(1):105-109.
- Kashem, M. A.(1999).Potentials for Privatizing Agricultural Extension in Bangladesh in the 21st Century. Proceedings of the Symposium on Agricultural Extyension Services in the 21st Century: Needs and Challenges, pp. 113-120.
- Mortuza, M.G., M. A. Kashem and A. Halim (1999). Formation and Use of Effective Farmers' Groups in extension Work under the DAE in the 21st Century.Proceedings of the Symposium on Agricultural Extyension Services in the 21st Century: Needs and Challenges, pp.95-106.
- Islam, M.S., M. A. Kashem and A.S.M.Z. Karim(1999).Judicious Use of Agro-chemicals for Sustainable Agricultural Development in the 21st Century.Proceedings of the Symposium on Agricultural Extyension Services in the 21st Century: Needs and Challenges, pp.157-166.
Technical/Research Reports:
- Hossain, M.A., M.R. Karim & M.A. Kashem (1978) In-service Training Course of Seed Production and Certification- An Evaluation Report. GTI Publication No. 2. Graduate Training Institute, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh.
- Karim, M.R., M.A. Hossain & M.A. Kashem (1978) Evaluation Report of In-service Training on Agriculture and Rural Development for the Bank Officers, GTI Publication No. 5. Graduate Training Institute, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh.
- Kashem, M.A. and A. Muhammad (1979) Evaluation Report of In-service Training on Soybean Production and Utilization in Bangladesh for Thana Extension Officers. GTI Publication No. 10. Graduate Training Institute, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh.
- Newaz, A., M.A. Kashem and M.H. Rahman (1980) "Literacy Programme: An Evaluation Report of Kishoreganj and Bhairab Thanas". Pp. 1-10 in: S.G. Mahboob, A. Newaz, A. Hossain and A. Razzaque (ed.) A Report on the Literacy Programme in Kishoreganj Sub-division by an Agri-varsity Observation Team from 23 to 26 February 1980, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
- Mahboob, S.G. and M.A. Kashem (1980) An Evaluation of Small Farmers Training Programme Conducted at the Agricultural Training Institute, Tajhat, Rangpur. Published Report by the FAO TCP PROJECT 6 BGD/6702, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Hossain,S.M.A. & M.A. Kashem (1980) Evaluation Report of Training of Soybean Production and Utilization. GTI Publication No. 21. Graduate Training Institute, BAU, Mymensingh.
- Kashem, M.A. and S.M.A. Hossain (1981)Evaluation Report of Irrigation Training. GTI Publication No. 27. Graduate Training Institute, BAU, Mymensingh.
- Kashem, M.A. (1990) Role of Opinion Leaders in Technology Transfer to Small Farmers. Research Monograph No. 1. Department of Agricultural Extension and Teachers Training, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, December,1990.
- Kashem, M.A. (ed.) (1991) Research in Agricultural Extension Education: A Compilation of Masters Theses, 1968-1991. Department of Agricultural Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
- Rahman, L., M.S. Hoque, M.S. Alam, M.A. Kashem and M.H. Rahman (1991) Studies on Oilseeds and Pulses in Bangladesh: Technology Testing, Farmers Attitude and Seed Marketing, A. Monograph. Bangladesh-Netherlands Seed Multiplication Programme (BNSMP) of Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Kashem, M.A. and A. Halim (1991) Use of Communication Media in the Transfer of Technologies to Farmers: A Farm Level Study. Research Monograph No. 2. Department of Agricultural Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
- Kashem, M.A. and A. Hossain (1992) Adoption and Communication Behaviour of Sugarcane Growers Around Zil-Bangla Sugarmil Area in Bangladesh. Research Monograph No. 3. Department of Agricultural Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
- Kashem, M.A. (1992) Block Supervisors Credibility as Communicators of Technical Advice under the T & V System. Research Monograph No. 4. Department of Agricultural Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
- Kashem, M.A. (1994) Agro-ecological and Socio-economic Study in Beel Singri and Chorai Shomespur: Beneficiaries Perspective. Systems Rehabilitation Project, Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) Govt. of the People's Republic of Bangladesh/ Kingdom of Netherlands.
- Kashem, M. A. and M.A.M. Miah (1996). Implications of Environmental and Sustainability Issues for the Organization and Practice of Agricultural Extension : An Empirical Study in Bangladesh. 127pp.
- Kashem, M. A. et al.(1997).Extension for Sustainable Agriculture: Policy and Practice in Three Asian Countries.Research Project R5984. Natural Resources Policy and Advisory Department.Overseas Development Administration. U.K. 137 pp.
- Kashem, M.A. and H. Mikuni (1998). Agricultural Extension Services in Japan and Bangladesh: Lessons Learned and Future Strategies. Research Monograph Nr. 1. Department of Farm Economics and Management, Faculty of Applied Biological Science. Hiroshima University, Japan. 47 pp.
- Kashem, M. A. and H. Mikuni (1998). Towards Sustainable Agricultural Development: Use of Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) by the Farmers of Bangladesh and Japan. Research Monograph Nr. 2. Department of Farm Economics and Management, Faculty of Applied Biological Science. Hiroshima University, Japan. 118 pp.
Publication of Scientific/Popular Articles in the Daily National Newspapers:
- Kashem, M.A. (1988) Barriers to Agricultural Development. The Bangladesh Observer, 20 & 21 March 1988.
- Kashem, M.A. (1988) Effective Extension Service. The Bangladesh Observer, 6 April 1988.
- Kashem, M.A. (1988) Channelling the Extension Activities. The Bangladesh Observer, 22 April 1988.
- Kashem, M.A. (1988) Establishing Farmers Service Centres. The Bangladesh Observer, 27 April 1988.
- Kashem, M.A. (1988) Alternative Extension Approach. The Bangladesh Observer, 13 May 1988.
- Kashem, M.A. (1988) Formation of Small Farmers' Groups. The Bangladesh Observer, 14 June 1988.
- Kashem, M.A. (1989) Upazila Agricultural Administration Need to be Rationalized. The Bangladesh Observer, 7 September 1989.
- Kashem, M. A. (1997) Social Development and Poverty Alleviation. The Bangladesh Observer, February 1997.
Foreign countries visited:
- U.S.A.:
i) New York,Wisconsin,Milwake, and Chicago during January to June 1979.
ii) New York during 16 to 21 August 1992.
- U.K.:
i) London in June 1979.
ii)London, Reading, Kent, New Castle Upon Tyne, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Glasgow, and Liverpool during October 1983 to
December 1986.
iii) London and Reading during 22 to 25 August 1992.
iv) Reading and London during 14 January to 08 February 1995.
- Brazil: Sao Paolo, and Guaruja during 16 to 21 August 1992.
- India: New Delhi, Hyderabad and Calcutta during 09 to 18 February 1995.
- Australia: University of Sydney, University of New South Wales, and University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
during 16 to 26 August 1996.
- Singapore: Institute of South-east Asian Studies (ISEAS),and Asian Institute of Mass Communication Research
and Information Centre(AMIC) during 26 to 29 August 1996.
- Japan: Tokyo, Hiroshima, Okayama, Maihama, Yamaguchi, Matsue, Shimane and Shimonoseki during 22 May1997 to 15 March 1998.
- Republic of Korea: Seoul, Pusan , Seoul National University (SNU), War Memorial, and Kings Palace during 30 October to 04 November 1997.
- Thailand:
i)Bangkok during 15 to 16 March 1998.
ii)Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thamassat University, Rangchit, Bangkok, and Mahidol University during 21 to 24 June 1999.
- Canada: Atlanta - Olds College, Calgary, Edminton, Rocky Mountain; British Columbia - University College of Fraser Valley, and Vancouver during 24 February to 03 March 2000.
Participation in the National and International Seminars,
Conferences, Workshops etc. and Presentation of Papers:
- "Problems of landless, reasons for being landless, and means for improving the conditions of the landless as perceived by them" presented the paper at the national workshop on How to reach small and landless farmers held at the Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh
organized by the Association of Development Agencies in Bangladesh (ADAB) on 20 November 1979.
- "An Investigation on the Small Farmers Training Programme conducted at the Agricultural Extension Institute,Tajhat, Rangpur" presented the paper at the 6th and 7th Annual Bangladesh Science Conference of the Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) held at the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Joydebpur, Gazipur during 7 to 11 February 1982.
- "Relationships of Selected Economic Characteristics of the Landless Labourers with their Problem Confrontation" presented the paper at the 6th and 7th Annual Bangladesh Science Conference of the Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) held at the Bangladesh Agricultural
Research Institute (BARI), Joydebpur, Gazipur during 7 to 11 February 1982.
- "Population Control for Agricultural Development in Bangladesh" presented the paper at the Seminar Organized by the Faculty of Agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh on 27 February 1982.
- Participated in the First Krishibid Convention held at Dhaka during 12 to 13 February 1982 sponsored by the Bangladesh Krishibid Institute.
- "Samprason abong Palli Unnayan Karzakramey Janasankha Shikkhar Samanoy" (Integration of Population Education in Extension and Rural Development Activities), delivered the speech at the Farm Broadcasting Forum of Radio Bangladesh on September 8, 1982, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- "A Study on the landless: cause of being landlessness" presented the paper at the 8th Annual Bangladesh Science Conference of the BASS held at the Dhaka University during 5 to 9 February 1983.
- "Present and Anticipated Future Situation of Agricultural Education at the Primary, Preparatory, Secondary and Post-secondary levels in Bangladesh" presented the paper at the Annual National Conference of the Bangladesh Krishi Shikshabeed Samittee held at the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka on 9 April 1983.
- Extension Research on the Use of Institutional Credit by Small Farmers presented the paper at the 20th Anniversary of AERDC Conference on Investing in Rural Extension: Strategies and Goals held at the University of Reading, U.K. during 15 to 21 September 1985.
- Alternative Approaches to Extension under the Framework of the Training and Visit (T&V) System in Bangladesh presented the paper at the First National Seminar on Agricultural Extension organized by the Bangladesh Agricultural Extension Society (BAES), Dhaka, Bangladesh during 11 to 12 February 1987.
- Role of Extension Research Towards Agricultural Development presented the paper at the National Seminar on Agricultural Education and Research organized by the BAAS Local Chapter, Mymensingh on 10 November 1988.
- Possibility of Self-sufficiency in Food through Rice Production in Bangladesh presented the paper at the 14th Annual Bangladesh Science Conference of the BAAS held at Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Joydebpur, Gazipur during 29 January to 1 February 1989.
- Impact of Training Improving Professional Competency of the Development Communicators towards Rural Development in Bangladesh presented the paper
at the 14th Annual Bangladesh Science Conference of the BAAS held at Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Joydebpur, Gazipur during 29 January to 1 February 1989.
- Role of Opinion Leaders in Technology Transfer to Small Farmers presented the paper at the workshop on BAU Research Progress 1989-90 during
15 to 18 January 1991 at the Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
- Prevention of Postharvest Losses in Foodgrains - A Discussion, presented the paper at the National Workshop on Training of Rural Women for
Postharvest Loss Prevention held at the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Gazipur during 24-25 July 1991.
- Progress and Constraints in Technology Transfer, presented the paper at the First Biennial Conference of the Crop Science Society of Bangladesh held at the Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during 18-20 January 1992.
- Farmers Use of Communication Media in the Adoption of Modern Agricultural Technologies presented the paper First Biennial Conference of
the Crop Science Society of Bangladesh held at the Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during 18-20 January 1992.
- Potentials and Constraints of Production and Marketing of Seeds of Oilcrops in Bangladesh presented the paper at the National Workshop on Oilseed Research and Development in Bangladesh held at the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Dhaka during 26-29 April 1992.
- Farmers Use of Communication Media in Adopting Agricultural Technologies - A Farm Level Study in Bangladesh presented the paper at the 18th Conference of the International Association for Mass Communication Research (IAMCR) held at Guaruja, Sao Paulo, Brazil during 16 to 21 August 1992.
- Women and Agriculture presented the paper in the Seminar on Agriculture and Society organized by the Krishibid Institution, Bangladesh Agricultural University, (BAU) Campus Chapter on 18 November 1993.
- Change Agents Credibility as Communicators of Technical Advice presented the paper at the 18th Annual Bangladesh Science Conference of the BAAS held at the Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during 22-24 June 1994.
- Implications of Environmental and Sustainability Issues for the Organization and Practice of Agricultural Extension presented the paper in the workshop on Sustainable Development in Agriculture organized by the University of Reading, U.K. and ODA, U.K. during 14 January to 4 February 1995.
- Manpower Development in Extension Education in Respect of Sustainable Agricultural Development - The Experience from Bangladesh presented the paper at the National Workshop on Manpower Development in Extension Education for Meeting Future Challenges of Agriculture organized by the National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Hyderabad, India, and Indian Society of Extension Education (ISEE) during 13 to 16 February 1995.
- Gender Research and Training participated at the workshop organized by the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC), Dhaka during 25 to 26 May 1996.
- Problems Faced by the Resourceless Women in Participating in Group Activities presented the paper of the 20th General Assembly and Scientific Conference of the International Association for Mass Communication Research (IAMCR) held at Sydney, Australia during 18 to 22 August 1996.
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