There was no joy in our love
Only pain.
I looked at you and only saw the mistake I made
By rushing into everything,
By going too fast.
Our relationship was doomed not to last.
How did I ever say "I love you"
When I knew it was only a lie
To you and to myself.
ASR, 11/3/97
Collegiate Frustration
i don't feel i fit in HERE
no one is like me
where is my place in the WORLD?????
i don't even know where my place is HERE
AND i have a paper due on MONDAY
AND i a midterm on TUESDAY
Well, you get the idea
ASR, 11/3/97
3 Poems written in my dorm room
while my roommate Julie studies Chemistry and
plays some Counting Crows tape
Shied Away
Face toward the sun
Burning in the pain
He stands in this rain
Just stands
Says nothing
Moves nothing
Head raised to the sky
I see him begin to cry.
This poem has no meaning
This poem has no feeling
This poem doesn't come
From my heart
This poem doesn't come
From my soul
This poem comes
From wherever
I write bad poetry to
compesate for boredom.
Not to be read by anyone (well, except you).
It's really bad anyway,
At least I'm not as bored!
ASR, 11/20/97
Another One
Party animal
Rock-n-Roller cat
Sings swing sweetly
(Into the mike.)
Mesmerising the mighty men
(and women)
Who have gathered, gazing
To hear his heartfelt harranges
Comfortable in hearing his pain
(Glad that it's not their pain)
The lines blur...
One man's pain--
Is a hit single.
ASR, 11/20/97
Lost & Unfound
Looking eye-to-eye in mirrored glasses,
Both seeing the reflection of our smaller self.
We stare and stare
Looking for the lost,
Seeking the unfound.
Trying to get back to that place
Where everything was free.
And there are not mirrored glasses
No hindrence on our ability to see.
ASR, 2/16/98
I think about you constantly
You're in my thoughts
You're in my dreams
The perception I have of you is
You distort my reality
I think about you constantly
I catch a glimpse of you.
My heart races
And my stomach runs up into my chest
You come over and I'm a mess.
I think about you constantly
"Hey, how's it going?"
"Alright. How are you?"
Then you leave, you leave me there
I know you don't feel the same
Probably don't even remember my name
I think about you constantly.
ASR, 2/16/98