- 11/13/00 18:28:13
all art by AVISSE is copyrighted by my company how long have used this art? prestige@prestigeart.com Louis
Ariel - 06/29/00 03:48:33
My URL:http://maxpages.com/kingarthur
My Email:Interwebsite@aol.com
State/Province: NY
What tradition/path do you follow?: Celtic/Druid
Excellent, The King will return, when the Land asks of him...does Wales need him yet?
Lugaid MacRobert - 06/11/00 11:09:57
My URL:http://fenniocht.homestead.com
My Email:whateley23@yahoo.com
State/Province: WA
What tradition/path do you follow?: Fenniocht (CRP)
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: crunchy, usually
Interesting site. Found you through the Red Branch Webring (of which my site is recently a part). One of the ones I spent most time going over. Not sure why yet, but somehow yours keeps my attention.
Mike Scharding - 03/30/00 03:37:07
My URL:/mikerdna/
My Email:mikerdna@hotmail.com
State/Province: Minnesota
What tradition/path do you follow?: Reformed Druidism
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: Creamy
I'm Mike Scharding, one of the Arch-Druids in the Reformed Druids of North America (est. 1963, Minnesota usa) and we've got a website with links to you could you add this link to your website. Other addresses for RDNA are probably old sites and should be
Reformed Druids of North America The RDNA is a laid-back group of Druids who simply explore the mysteries of the Earth, investigate world religions, and maintain a neo-pagan academic research resource site. Ance
tral group of Ar nDraoicht Fein and Henge of Keltra, and much more lazy.
If you are stll using an old site for us, please update it. Thanks.
Archdruid of Akita Grove, Japan
JOY - 02/13/00 17:48:17
My Email:mcnallyjoy@hotmail.com
State/Province: Louisiana
What tradition/path do you follow?: candles burning
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: crunchy(why?)
i'm trying to find out what it means when burning
a green candle and it breaks in half and starts
burning at both ends and no one else is in the
room. this has been bothering me for days.
please help if possible!!!!
Alwin - 12/01/99 11:37:33
My URL:http://www1.tip.nl/~t887876
My Email:RanDoc@excite.com
What tradition/path do you follow?: Asatru / Druidry
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: creamy
Greetings from a Dutch (soon-to-be) Druid! I too am a member of OBOD, and have been on this path (more or less) for about nine years.
Allthough I haven't read everything here, I have read 'Your path' and I must say I like what I read. Your way of working appeals to me - maybe is even comparable with mine! But for that I'd have to read some more about your rituals and stuff.
My main concern is the land, especially the Low Lands that I live in. Since this land is so closely connected to the water (we're never sure where one ends and the other begins) we have the Earth, Sea and Sky (flat country) all rolled into one, as it were
But working for and with the land is my main concern. I also have a lively interest in spirits of all kinds - and I often find the feeling to be mutual *grin*.
One question I have for you: I have been looking for the OBOD mailinglist for some time now. I noticed you mentioning it (it's how I got to your page) so I was wondering if you could give me some directions for it?
Wassail !
Dean Croaker - 11/28/99 22:54:20
My Email:frog@hot.net.au
State/Province: Australia
What tradition/path do you follow?: Herbalist atm, soon to seek the path of the ancients however.
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: smooth!
Your web page has inspired me. I now don't feel so bad about floundering around looking for the path. I know its there and has always been there, but taking that first step can often be quite difficult. Thanks for the motivation! Good luck on your quest.
lorelle - 11/14/99 12:18:52
My Email:lorelle_w@hotmail.com
State/Province: queensland,australia
What tradition/path do you follow?: obod bard
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: super crunchy
I enjoyed your site. I'm just starting with the net. I enjoy reading anything about druidry and am
following a single path.Feel free to email me
regards lorelle
lorelle - 11/14/99 12:18:13
My Email:lorelle_w@hotmail.com
State/Province: queensland,australia
What tradition/path do you follow?: obod bard
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: super crunchy
I enjoyed your site. I'm just starting with the net. I enjoy reading anything about druidry and am
following a single path.Feel free to email me
regards lorelle
John - 10/02/99 08:17:03
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/positivesteps
My Email:john@positivesteps.zzn.com
State/Province: Queensland Australia
Hi. I thought your site was very interesting although I must say I know almost nothing on the subject matter. I will come back to read some more as you have made me curious . I did read in another guest book that you were thinking about starting a webring
for men who adore their wives. If you do, count me in. Mine is a goddess. Fond regards. John.
Chris Sherbak - 09/23/99 16:38:17
My URL:http://members.aol.com/~drubear
My Email:sherbak@ibm.net
State/Province: IL
What tradition/path do you follow?: ADF Druidry
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: Crunchy!
Great site! Just going thru my old emails, and wondered how you were doing... looks quite good! May I put a link to your page on the links page of the Yahoo! ADF club? Thanks and have a great day!
Kimberly Sabine Harbison - 08/09/99 23:55:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Louvre/8034
My Email:kimberly_sabine@yahoo.com
State/Province: Lexington,Ky
What tradition/path do you follow?: solitary practitioner--will begin the druid path soon
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: yes
I will be using your page as a positive guide for resources. Wonderful page. :) kimberly_sabine
Matthew McCabe - 06/29/99 10:38:32
My Email:matthewmccabe@yahoo.co.uk
State/Province: London
What tradition/path do you follow?: OBOD
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: Crunchy
I share many of your sentiments. Remember, live by example, and learn by experience. Tough, but it meant something to our Celtic forebears. The Druids made the law and administered the law - so you're in an ancient tradition. Be true to yourself - and
if you're ever in London, or want a tour round the sites, give us a call.
Matt (London Grove)
Maxi Cass - 05/27/99 08:27:33
Blackthorne - 03/31/99 20:14:20
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~deanjones/faq.html
My Email:blackthorne6@hotmail.com
State/Province: CA
What tradition/path do you follow?: Neo-Paganism
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: Crunchy
I am inviting you to join a pagan men's webring
called "The Lodge of Herne Webring for Pagan Men"
you can join at the above URL. Just fill out
the cyber-questionaire and you will be on your
Thank you
Gary Scallan - 01/08/99 09:44:47
My Email:garys@hq.iscorltd.co.za
State/Province: Gauteng, South Africa
What tradition/path do you follow?: Still searching
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: neither
Wil the Wizard - 12/23/98 14:42:35
My Email:Wilswebs@aol.com
State/Province: MI
What tradition/path do you follow?: Pagan Quaker/Zen Druid
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: occasionally
I appreciate your spiritual journey. If you would e-mail me I would like to share in more detail the path that I am on. Perhaps It might help us both on our respective journeys. I enjoy your site, and the candoe with which you speak. May all that is Ho
y enlighten your heart. Peace be yours this season of the Winter Solstice
Anne MacDonald Coleman - 11/26/98 22:48:23
My URL:http://homepages.tcp.co.uk/~wiseowl/life.html
My Email:wiseowl@tcp.co.uk
State/Province: Southampton, England
What tradition/path do you follow?: OBOD Druid
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: No! hate the stuff!
Hail and well met!
Loved your pages- you have more druid ones than I do! Those I have are in the Ytene section of my site. Come and have a druidical magical mystery tour of the Island of the Mighty
Anne /|\ Wiseowl
10/26/98 11:13:26
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Rhianne - 10/25/98 19:31:55
My Email:smulders@casema.net
State/Province: the netherlands
What tradition/path do you follow?: celtic shamanism
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: creamy please
Hello Cian,
Just read through some of your pages wich to me have loads of welcome information. I also am taking the OBOD-course but am still waiting to receive my first gwers. The druid's way of life to me comes from a long search for deeper meaning. It seems to open
all these unseen doors to inspiration and creativity. I feel that your path shall only allow you to come to more inner piece and spiritual growth, and I only want to give you my compliments on your site and tell you to use your knowledge through practice.
feel free to E-mail me
healingline - 10/20/98 05:19:08
My URL:http://www.tripod.net/med/healingline.htm
My Email:healingline@ivillage.com
State/Province: wi
What tradition/path do you follow?: reformed druids of north america i guess
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: no
Very nice site and i should talk because mine isn't done yet, but gee whiz can we quit with the costume party and hug a tree ? call the healing line anytime for reiki distant healing and thought field therapy and sympathetic health advice, or to rage abo
t the previous comment (608)226-0052 cst
Carmen - 10/17/98 14:06:52
My Email:fareset@gte.net
State/Province: Fl
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: Creamy is best on toast with grape jam!
Thank you for sending me your url. I have been through almost all your webpages and find it all insightful and impressive. I know you will succeed in your quest for peace and knowledge. BTW: the boys liked your website too! :-)
Nantala A. Lavarenlavadora - 10/03/98 16:57:13
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Nantala
My Email:nantala@rocketmail.com
State/Province: Greenville, NC, USA
What tradition/path do you follow?: Druidic
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: Creamy is the best!
Greetings and top of the day to you! I was happy to stumble across the page of a fellow student of the Druid path. I hope you will come visit my site sometime, even though my section of the Druids is not yet complete. ICQ #5103444
Robyn Lorgrath - 09/23/98 19:07:56
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members3/gaia/index.html
My Email:Witchy_Woman@earthling.net
State/Province: CA
What tradition/path do you follow?: Folk Magick/Sorcery/Celtic Shamanism
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: crunchy
I found your page on the Celtic Webring. I absolutely love it. Please feel free to look around my page. Be especially watchful in my booke of shadows. There is a link to my book list. It's a hodge podge of so many different paths and beliefs it's alm
st insane. Blessed be!
Blackthorne - 09/11/98 14:34:47
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~deanjones/paganplace.html
My Email:jonesr@email.his.ucsf.edu
State/Province: SFBAYAREA
What tradition/path do you follow?: Eclectic Earth Centered Neo-Pagan with an emphasis on Celtic Tradition(you asked!)
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: I like artichoke butter but it's hard to find on this planet!
I like you page,keep up the good work!!!/
Rosemary - 09/07/98 02:03:03
My URL:http://www.rosemarywest.com/rlinks.html
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: Depends on which part of my body I'm applying it to.
I found your site by following the Ring of the Moon. There are so many interesting things!
I hope you'll visit my site, too!
SILVER FALCON - 08/10/98 09:19:54
My Email:PC832@MSN.COM
State/Province: ROSEVILLE, CA.
What tradition/path do you follow?: WICCAN MINISTER & SCOTTISH CLANSMAN
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: ALL OF THE ABOVE, I'M NOT PICKY.
Briony Gale - 07/11/98 03:59:24
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Jade79/index.html
My Email:b_gale@hotmail.com
State/Province: Australia
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: LOL!! Crunchy of course
Great page - love the title and the text and the graphics and everything.
Hope you find what you are looking for. Peace my friend...
Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 08:43:18
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
kristofer huas - 06/26/98 22:56:02
My Email:housec@nova1.net
What tradition/path do you follow?: seeker
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: crunchy
well i've been e-mailing all evening and find this repention tiring but i'm interested
i've e-mailed pagans in myy home town and at betix and between, i've talked to a few in balchsprings and now you all .
it come down to this basicly .
i am in search of lost or misguided strength, from days of when i followed another misunderstanding , i dont seem to pretend to think i understand the peranormal , but when i followed another though these one i resived stregth.
healing ,visions ,a power so to speak but i thought it was in thier name , now i have discovered this teacher to be misunderstood or misleading if not over P.R.ed and i know these strenghts where real . but where did they come?
so im here seeking them out to find the face of GOD/DESS
so i thought i would start a corrispondance with you all to see what wisdom you my have and how know i and family in tow might show once and a while , i am real leary becouse of a coven and its member in my home town of sherman
left a bad feel they where veryy minipulitive and thier feel was very unnerving , i have shildren i will not risk them in that enviroment for any thing .
so i will toe the water first and see what repealls appear , o.k.
e-mail address is housec@nova1.net
as is above so is it below
Lugach - 05/25/98 02:08:06
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Lugach/index.html
My Email:Lugach@aol.com
State/Province: New England
What tradition/path do you follow?: Celtic Reconstructionist Warrior
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: neither
Bandia dhuit! Always interested in "meeting" other Celtic Pagans and Druid....I am also ever so curious as to the concept of Celtic Wicca as the two never managed to meet for me in practice. Not that I plan to change that, just curious as to how folks do
it. I second the Australian fellow's recommendation of Aisling Association of Celtic Tribes (http://members.aol.com/AislingACT/index.html) and Imbas (http;//morrigan.alabanza.com/imbas/) (and I admit to being a bit bias towards the first as that's the on
I belong to). At least maybe you'd like to include links to them. Please feel free to get in touch if you wish to discuss things Celtic and I'd love it if you visited my website. Slainte agus beannactai, Lugach
Liam Egan - 05/24/98 07:34:32
My Email:neuro_m@hotmail.com
State/Province: NSW
What tradition/path do you follow?: Druidry
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: crunchy
What makes the sound of running water,
yet keeps silent ever more?
I like the page, good info and good links.
Connaire Mawn - 05/18/98 08:46:54
My Email:scian_dubh@hotmail.com
State/Province: Brisbane, Australia
What tradition/path do you follow?: Gaelic Traditional
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: Prefer Vegemite
Quite a beautiful site, well done. If you are specifically interested in Celtic paganism, then you should check out the Imbas, Aisling Association of Celtic Tribes and Clannada na Gadelica sites. They are dedicated to preserving celtic culture and paganis
without the foreign influences that are so prevelant these days.
Good luck with your studies and keep up the good work.
Bellah - 05/18/98 06:18:39
My URL:http://www.calgary.shaw.wave.ca/~ismith/silvertwilight/
State/Province: Alberta
What tradition/path do you follow?: Wicca... studying both modern, and traditional Celtic
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: mmmmmm.... crunchy!
Greetings! I found your site through the Celtic Knot Webring... I just joined and wanted to see some of the others in here...and I was drawn to yours! I love your site! {I have to get a midi file on my pages too...lol}
Be Well! Bellah
CelcitDruidess - 05/15/98 20:26:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/3591
My Email:CelticDruidess@juno.com
State/Province: TX
What tradition/path do you follow?: Druidism
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: both
greetings! i found your page through the nemeton webring of which we are
both members. i tried to send this to your email, but got it returned twice, so here i am. i am writing you for two reasons; one, that you said you were interested in hearing from people who found your page/were interested in druids/etc., so i'm writing
o say hello! two, you stated
in your webpage that you lived in central texas about an hour north of austin, and my husband and i also live in central texas, about 90 minutes
away from austin, so hello again from a neighbor!
blessings to you and yours,
Lenore Stardust - 05/13/98 06:39:59
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Lstardust2/index.html
My Email:Lstardust2@aol.com
State/Province: New England
What tradition/path do you follow?: Celtic Witchcraft (not Wicca)
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: depends on mood...i'm very moody
nice page...i was roaming around the celtic knotwork ring and found you. keep up the good work and good luck with your studies. blessings, lenore
We've Been Blocked Webring - 05/12/98 07:48:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Haven/4779
My Email:beenblocked@hotmail.com
Just a brief note to welcome you to the ring!
Kylia Darkwinter - 05/10/98 05:47:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/6569
My Email:kylia@vvm.com
State/Province: TX
What tradition/path do you follow?: Eclectic Wiccan
Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter?: Crunchy
My Dearest husband you have been working so hard on this webpage and it is beautiful. You have introduced me to a wonderful and fulfilling path. You are a wonderful man and a great father to my children. I am sure we will be together forever.
I am the first person to sign your book.. kewl!
I love you and lust you!
Your Wife