
I am not a great poet. These are my attempts at poetry. I doubt I will ever write anything that rhymes. I am attempting to write some Haiku now. I will add them as I complete them. I find poetry is very difficult for me to create. I know what I want to say, but inspiring the emotion and feeling I want to convey with it, is the hard part for me.

A Translucent Thought in The Wind

I live in a void,

A Translucent thought,

in the wind.

Death and Terror,

A silent scream,

Echoing throughout eternity.

Lives snuffed out,

Within the chimes of time.

Violence a malignant form,

Stalks the entity of Life,

To erupt in morbid shapes.

Anger bound by stupidity,

Unleashes itself against love.

Where living is dying

And feeling is eternal pain.

Peace is raped of its Nature,

And fed to ravenous souls.

Hearts yet unborn,

Are left to die.

And all this,

I hold behind my eyes.

Cian Fearghal, 1985

I wrote this when I was 17 years old in the middle of an NJROTC class in High School. I never knew why I wrote it, or for what reason. It seems very morbid to me. But I like to think that this was my little look into the future of what I would see in Desert Storm.


Cool refreshing mist,
Wind drops sting my face,
Rising sun showers.

Dark frothy ambrosia,
Staggers my senses,
Irish libation.

Loves broken dreams,
Swollen eyes, battered heart,
Masculine rampage.

Cian Fearghal, 1998

Here I am placing my meager attempts at "Haiku". Please forgive my butchery of this lovely artform. I would like to get good enough to try my hand at "Renga" and "Haibun". To me "Haiku" should be considered very Druidic, for they are usually written in three stanzas and I believe threes and nines were considered ritualy important. (Traditionaly "Haiku" should have a "kigo", season-word in it. I will most likely write "haiku" about things I deal with at work and nature. "Renga" is linked poetry usually 36 stanzas or less, two or three lines in length, of no particular syllable count. "Haibun" are two or more linked "Haiku".)

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