Universal Druid Prayer

Grant, O God/dess, Thy protection;

And in protection, strength;

And in strength, understanding:

And in understanding, knowledge;

And in knowledge, the knowledge of justice;

And in the knowledge of justice, the love of it;

And in that love, the love of all existences;

And in the love of all existences, the love of God/dess.

God/dess and all goodness.

Found inThe Book of Druidry
by Ross Nichols


I find Celtic Triadic verses to be very inspirational and hope to list many of them here as I find them. Here are a few I have found on the internet and from books, that I have read. I will give credit to the sources they were taken from.

Three things from which never to be moved:

One's Oaths, one's Gods, and the Truth.

Traditional Celtic Triad

The three highest causes of the true human are:

Truth, Honor, and Duty.

Traditional Celtic Triad

Three candles that illuminate every darkness:

Truth, Nature, and Knowledge.

Traditional Celtic Triad

The Above Triads were
taken from IMBAS

There are three things which constantly increase:

fire, or light; understanding, or truth; and the soul, or life.

These three will prevail over every thing and then Abred will end.

The Book of Druidry
by Ross Nichols

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