Pagan Art & Poetry

These are just a few of the images, I have come across while surfing the web. This page has alot of graphic content, so it will take awhile to load.

"Eye of the Ancient"

"A New Home"

"Outer Sunset"

Brian R. June creates many beautiful designs. Most are Sci-Fi in nature. Feel free go by his site called Alien Eye and check out his images. You wont be dissappointed. The site also hosts information on UFO's.

The lovely graphics above were created by Ravon. He also created my wifes banner and website logo. Ravon also created all the lovely thistle images, my main page logo, my banner and many other graphics seen on my pages. I am greatly indebted to him, for he did all of this without a fee. Thank you very much Ravon. Please do yourself a big favor go and check out the graphics at his site, Witch Way. Be sure to pack a lunch some of his graphics are quite large, but well worth the wait. His banner, below, is linked to his gorgeous page.


I am the Wind that blows over the sea,

I am the Wave of the Ocean;

I am the Murmur of the billows;

I am the Ox of the Seven Combats;

I am the vulture upon the rock;

I am a Ray of the Sun;

I am the fairest of Plants;

I am a Wild Boar in valour;

I am a Salmon in the Water;

I am a Lake in the plain;

I am the Craft of the artificer;

I am a Word of Science;

I am the Spear-point that gives battle;

I am the god that creates in the head of man the fire of thought.

Who is it that enlightens the assembly upon the mountain, if not I?

Who telleth the ages of the moon, if not I?

Who showeth the place where the sun goes to rest if not I?

Uttered by Amergin
As he visitted Eire.
Found in The Book of Druidry
by Ross Nichols


Beads of spring rain

slipping slowly
down the wind chimes.
By: Helen C. Acton

On the mountain slope

the stillness of white pines
in the falling snow
By: Gerard John Conforti

Where the coyote called,

rising in full cry, the moon...
the sound of silence.
By: Foster Jewell

The above three Haiku were found in the book "The Haiku Anthology" edited by Cor Van Den Heuvel. This book has inspired my growing love of this limitless art form. I hope to one day write my own poems and I know I will never equal these three Poet's mastery of Haiku.

KaleidoSpace Art Studio

by Cheryl Yambrach Rose

Visionary Art Gallery

by Jean-Paul Avisse

I did not wish to copy any of their artwork to my page for fear that they may be copyrighted. I did ask Mrs. Rose if I might and was informed hers were copyrighted. Her work should not be missed please breeze by and check out her site along with the other. Both sites hold artwork of beautiful inspiration.

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Ebon Thistle

Background song "Shephard Moon" by Enya

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