My name is Cian Fearghal and I created this site
in the hopes that others may see it and help me along my path. One would
have to consider me a Bard/Seeker rather than a Druid right now. But a Druid
with strong Irish Celtic beliefs is what I aspire to be. I came up with the name Ebon Thistle because the thistle is a regarded image in Scotland and besides I needed a name for my site.
On mIrc and in other chat areas I have met Wiccans and Pagans and have been asked "What is the Url to your Pagan page?" My reply was always "I don't have one, sorry." I felt that there were so many already, what could I add with my limited knowledge on Druidry. Then after talking with a few people I realized. That this could help me to meet other Bards, Druids and Celtic Traditionalists and at the same time give me my own space to say how I feel. Here I hope to list my thoughts and let others know where I am at along my path to Druidry. If anyone feels they can help me along please feel free to e-mail me. For help is always appreciated.
I wish to practice Druidry with an Irish Celtic emphasis. In other words using a triskele instead of a pentacle. More emphasis on worshipping with the three realms of Land, Sky and Sea,which is more Celtic aligned, rather than the traditional four corners which deals with the four elements and is somewhat more Greek in origin. I wish to venerate the whole pantheon of the Irish Celtic God/dess rather than just a single God and Goddess.
(Please see an essay by Erynn Laurie)
I am reading as many books as I can on Irish Celtic mythology, in order to
increase my knowledge on Irelands history and myths, in order to further
my knowledge in combining these areas in my ritual practices. But it is a long and tedious task. One I hope will continue on throughout my lifetime.
One step I am taking, which I hope is in the right direction, is taking the O.B.O.D.,The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids, mail study course. I have currently received all the gwers for the Bardic Grade. I will not say I have completed the Bardic Grade, for I feel I will definently be using this material throughout the Ovate Grade and for the rest of my life. As these are the seed roots planting a firm foundation in Druidry. I find that working with one Gwer a week, gives the lessons more time to sink in and make since for me. I had to slow down on my gwers, mainly because I find it is better to spend more then a week on each gwer now. Especially when working with the various elements. O.B.O.D. has a rich past, being based in England and around since 1717. I recommend this course to anyone interested in a solid grounding in Bardic/Druidic studies. If you also feel an affinity for the Druidic tradition the OBOD link is below.
One step I took towards my goal was becoming a member of
ADF: Ar nDraiocht Fein. ADF is also known as the American Druid
Fellowship. Their current Dedicant study material is being revamped. But I found the old Dedicant material they sent me, to be very informative and helpful in creating my own Rituals. But I am mainly centered around the OBOD course and to practicing as Traditionaly as I can. You can also find their link below as well.
I am also currently looking into IMBAS. They are Celtic Reconstructionalists. Who prefer to practice as Traditionaly as they can. Instead of making up or using traditions from other acceptable pagan practices where history and archaeology leave off. They stick with what can be found in history, lore, myths, archaeology, etc. I like this and hope to soon be following their course of study as well. Their link is below and I urge you to check it out. The site is full of a wealth of information.
On my pages you will find many Wiccan sites and that is
because this is where I started out at. Soon I hope to have more information
on the Celtic/Druidic Tradition. But as I have stated before, I am just starting out on this path through the ancient oaks.
The Universal Druid Prayer and Triunes
The Eight Fold Year
Pagan Art and Poetry
Wiccan & Online Store Links
My Path (so far...)
Druidry Links
The Druids Grove
Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids Home Page
Ar nDraiocht Fein: A Druid Fellowship (ADF)
ADF Home Page
The Mugwort Grove
An ADF Grove Home Page
Druids & Druidism
Druid Links
The Order of the Golden Branch
A Druid Grove in Michigan called The Blackthorn Grove
Druidry FAQ
A Druidry FAQ
Druids Haven
An Association of Welsh Traditionalist Druids
Druid Sites
A list of Internet Sites
Boston Grove
An Obod Grove
Shining Lakes Grove
An ADF Grove
The Druids Gate
Dragonwood Online Store
The Druid Clan of Dana
A Clan of DruidsI guess
A list serve for Celtic studies and Druidry
Sgiath an Fhithich
An OBOD Druid Grove in Australia
The Summerlands
A Pagan Community
Twin Oaks Grove
An Independent Grove
The Sanctum of Cathbad
Creator of the Druidry FAQ, seen around the web.
Rowanhold Bardic Circle
Exploring the Bardic Arts
Omniversal CyberDruids Grove
A Grove of Internet Druids
OBOD San Diego Grove
An OBOD Grove in San Diego
Celtic Traditionalist Order of Druids
The name says it all
The Bardic Institute
A money making Bardic Institute exploring writing
Clannada na Gadelica
Uniting the clans & Celtic Resource
Celtic Links
Celtic Connection
Uniting the clans and helping in Genealogy
Rowan's Celtic Page
Lots of Celtic info
Irish & Celtic Thingies
Lots of Celtic info
Aisling Association of Celtic Tribes
Lots of Celtic info
Great resource for Celtic Traditional information.
The Woad Page
Something I hear Druids talk about "?"
A great Arthuran Resource
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Seeker to grace my page.
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