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Where the eternal flame burned.

Gaea arose of Chaos as center of the Universe.

Physic statements: A) The matter in constant process of expansion and contraction is the basic component of the Universe. The matter is compose of electromagnetic energy of charge positive and negative. B) The expansion of the matter is a process of liberation of energy, bioenergy, fire. C) In our ecologic dimension, all the matter manifest it like a form of bioenergetic life.

The bioenergetic being, Gaea, is the result of the biochemic action of all the ecologic manifestation of the matter in expansion toward the kosmic dimension. As living being, Gaea is a biochemic entity capable of transform in energy the nutrients that obtain of the sunny light and his biomass and for this reason is conceived the center of the Universe.

Theogony:The matter in the ecologic dimension of Gaea manifest it in a constant process of combustion and bioenergetic mutation that expand it to The Kosmic. The creation of Uranus to develop the domain of the Titans that leadered by Kronos, The Father Time, give origin to The Divinities that return, in the physic process of contraction of the matter, from The Kosmic to Gaea.

Gaea is the first manifestation of the Creation that give origin to Uranus, The King of Sky, the opposite primal force that unites give birth to Kronos, The Father Time, foundation of the development of the creation process, the expansion and contraction of the Universe and his manifestations with his divinities, Gods and Goddesses, nymphs, dryads, nereids, fates, muses, demigods and mortals.

The Divinities manifest it associated with the diversity of manifestations of the matter in Gaea.

Concious statement: To ascend by the scale of evolution toward superiors levels of manifestation of The Being the mortals need to be favored by the help of superior entitys to those that should be agreeable with his actions during his transit by The Mother Earth.

Know you your vibratory frecuency as matter in transit by Gaea?.

Know you how to harmonize your matter and to propose is evolution toward his most high level of energy to evolve your conscious level through the evolution of your path with the help of the Divinities?.

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