To reach the highest potential of your life
A shrine of oracular wisdom
Enlightened, reliable, sure guide and divine revelation.
The destiny of mortals is controlled by Zeus, King of Gods and God of The Sky and The Divine Justice. He know your personal path into Gaea, The Mother Earth, and only He have the power to change it or make it more satisfactory through the intercession of the divinity that has being assigned as your guide to protect the fulfilment of your destiny in this transit and to avoid a new incarnation that complete it.
The divination process through the OracleWeb have as purpose to determine which divinity intercede by you and how to make it more benevolent with you before Kronos, The Father Time that devour his sons, and before the Gods and Goddess that will keep away the illness and evils entities liberates by Pandora to punish mankind for having learned the use of the Sacred Fire to his development.
OracleWeb have as mission the interpretation of the Wisdom of the Destiny and to advice to the mortals that consult it about how to improve his path, what to do and what not to do in an specific moment of his lifes, which is the God that has being assigned to protect him and which divinities are adverse, how to harmonize his energies with the propitiatory forces of The Universe to accomplish his purpose and how to obtain wellness and the necessary evolution to transcend to superiors levels of manifestation as matter during his transit by Gaea.
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