©2003 maintained by Hector
Note: Links for "Comprehensive links to criminal justice" and "CJ information system" were checked and working on 2/03. Let me know if the links are not working so I can update them. Mahalo. Comprehensive links to CRIMINAL JUSTICE-(updated 2/03) - world criminal justice system, police, corrections, constituions, serial killers, mass murder, requirements for criminal justice professions, constitutional issues such as illegal search, Supreme Court (U.S./Hawaii) decisions, death penalty, parole, probation, Statutes from other states, Substantive Law, Forensic, Federal Rules of Evidence(FRE), and many more --- CJ Information System, (updated 2/03)for my students who are enrolled in the Criminal Justice information system. If the link does not work, go type the following address on the browser: http://www.hectorwest.org/cjinfosystem.html Comprehensive links to BUSINESS: (Updated 07/02) McGregor Theories (Theory X and Theory Y), Importing into the United States, Exporting leads to foreign countries, NAFTA, EC, Anti-trust, bankruptcy, Bonds, ISO 9000, Incoterms, World trade, GATT, WTO, Economic Indicatiors, Currency,Bankruptcy, and more business topics--
Reminder: Aloha. In doing your research, please be sure to cite your sources. Plagiarism will result in failing grade and does not help you in the future. Mahalo.
Parenthetical and References-