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All rights reserved
Lamander's Web Graphics: Links
- About.com: Graphics Software
- Essential Links to Web Graphics Resources
- The Pixel Foundry
- s t u d i o webgraphics
- Web Designer's Paradise
- Webmonkey: graphics-fonts collection
- WebReference.com: Web/Authoring/Graphics
- WDVL: Graphics Tools, Techniques, Examples and Resources
Paint Shop Pro
- Jasc, Inc. Designer Studio
- i/us Discussions: PSP Forum
- Paint Shop Pro Users Group
- PSP InterActive Zone
- Abstract Dimensions
- Artistic Edges in Paint Shop Pro
- DesignsbyDonna Tutorials
- GraphoManiac
- GraphX Design - PSP Tutorials
- The Hood, Paintshop Pro 5 Digital Art Gallery
- Michèle's PSP Tips and Tricks
- New Dawn Micro - PSP Tips and Techniques
- Odds N Ends (by Brad Castle)
- Paint Shop Pro Resources Tutorials
- State of Entropy: Paint Shop Pro Graphics
- SW - Making Graphics
- WDVL: Introduction to Paint Shop Pro 5 (by Linda Cole)
- Web Graphics on a Budget
- Fantastic Machines (Home of Paint Engine & FM Tile Tools)
- Filter Factory Galleries
- MediaSpark Filters
- NVR BorderMania
- The Plugin Head
- PlugIn Com HQ
- Simple Filters Page (by Sandy Blair)
- Ultimate Photoshop: Filters & Plugins
- Blade Pro
- Eye Candy
- Kai's Power Tools
- Ulead's Plugins
Blade Pro Presets
- mypresets (by Donna Hanson)
- GIF Cruncher
- JPEG Wizard
- NetMechanic: GIFBot
- Ulead's SmartSaver
- WebGraphics Optimizer
- WebVise Totality
Image Maps
- LiveImage
- MapEdit
Animated GIFs
- The Animated GIF Artists Guild
- How to Create Animated GIFs
- Alchemy Mindwork's GIF Construction Set
- Ulead's GIF Animator
- PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
- PNG Home Page
PSP Tubes
- Cindy's Place: PSP Tubes
- Creations by Wisdom: PSP 5 Tubes
- Diana's Free Tubes
- Hoods PSP5 Tutorial - Using Tubes
- Tubaholics Anonymous
- The Tube Gallery
- The Tube Garden
- Tubes and Graphics
PSP Brushes
- Brushaholics Anonymous
- Diana's Brushes
- Gail's Brushes - Designs by Magic
- Mousehold Creations - Custom Brushes
- The Page of Blues
Bézier Curves
- What's a Bézier Curve?
- The WDVL: Bezier Lines
- Sarah Arnott's Vector Basics
- SOE: Creating Vector Shapes
- SOE: Text Around a Circular Path
Freeware & Shareware Fonts
- Astigmatic One Eye Freeware Fonts
- Brain Stew Font Archive
- The Dingbat Pages
- Emerald City Fontwerks
- Font Garden
- The Font Pool
- Fonts & Things
- MediaBuilder - FreeFont Library
- Kemosabe's Font Archive
- Shareware and Freeware Fonts
- sunwalk fontworks
- TarmSaft Font Factory
Other Resources
- Deezin Studios Graphic Design Resource Center
- Design Lounge Links (Sarah Arnott & the gang)
- PC Resources for Photoshop (helpful for PSP, too)
- MediaBuilder
- Scanner Basics 101 (Wayne Fulton's scan tips)
- Gallery of HTML, Webpage, and Internet Resources
(link collection by Roz Fruchtman) -
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