Cart-Ruts : non-Maltese examples 

Cart-ruts are not limited to the Maltese Islands and are found in a number of other countries in Europe. Their greater number in Malta could be the result of inadequate attention to these features abroad.

Ruts found beyond Maltese shores include:-
1)   Monopoli, South Italy  
2)   Donnaz, South-East of Aosta1 
3)   Agrigento, near Temple of Hercules   
4)   Syracuse, above Greek Theatre1  
5)   Near Fortress of Euryalus1 
6)   Necropolis of Cerveteri, Italy2 
7)   Cagliari, Sardinia2 
8)   Monte Sirai, Sardinia3 
9)   Cap Couronne, West of Marseilles1,2 
10) Cyrenaica 
11) Pompei 
12) Anse de Sante Croix, Massilia4 
13) Greece 
Cart ruts at Monopoli
Cart-ruts at Siracusa, Sicily
Cart-ruts at Agrigento



1 Parker and Rubinstein (1984): The Cart-Ruts on Malta and Gozo; pp 18
2 Bonanno, A.(1990): The Archaeology of Gozo: from Prehistoric to Arab times. In C. Cini(ed), Gozo:    the roots of an   island, pp 31
3 Barreca, F. and Garbini, G.(1964): Monte Sirai - Il Rapporto preliminare della Missione archeologica dell'Università di Roma e della Soprintendenza alle Antichità di Cagliari
4 Trump D.(1998): The Cartruts of Malta. In Treasures of Malta Vol IV No.2 pp 37

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