Once again I find myself in a state of transition and come back to the solace of my webpage, my writings, graphics to help me sort thing out, see things clearly, and possibly in time find the answers that I seek from within. My webpage is going to have a new fresh look, just as I am within time. This is my story, my release, my haven, my creation. The emotions here are that of finding myself and completing myself as a woman in todays society within the D/s community. You don’t have to agree with what you read here, I suspect many will find things that touch them deeply, and others will think its all a bunch of gibberish. Those that wish to, can go express their opinions, feelings in any manner they wish to on their own webpage....This is mine.

This isn’t what I would consider a pornographic site, but it does contain material that is best suited for adults. Sorry, come back when your 18. By entering my site, you agree that you are over the legal age as required by your state to view adult material, since many would consider this pornographic in material, even though it has more to do with the growth and understanding of a woman then anything else.

If your just looking for nudity and well to put it quite frankly to get your rocks off....I will warn you in advance you won’t find it on these pages....sorry to disappoint you. There are more then enough webpages on the vast internet where you can find that and will likely page money for.

It’s not a big secrect to anyone that I happen to be very happily married to a wonderful and tolerant man who does not share my beliefs, interests or understandings of D/s. He is aware of my interests and involvements in the "lifestyle". You will rarely if ever hear me use the term "nilla" on my page, sadly I have seen it used so condescendingly by those who so uproariously announce to one and all they are "lifestylers". I’m not impressed. People in the "lifestyle" want to be looked upon and demand that people accept them for their choices and diversity. People should also be accepted for their own diversities outside of the "lifestyle or community". I’m certainly not less because of the choices I’ve made, nor should they be looked upon as less for their own personal beliefs and choices. I think I’ve made my point on that topic.

I should warn you, that with which I believe in, I believe in very powerfully and passionately and have no qualms in speaking my mind. I hope in all honestly that will enable and give strength to other submissives whom might come across this page, that our minds and spirit are wonderful and powerful tools and that you can be a submissive woman and be able to speak your mind....find your voice. I always have :) ....now of course some would very quickly say I’m not a submissive because of that, perhaps in their eyes and their narrow minded definition I’m not. Personally I’m not overly concerned with their thoughts and opinions. The only person on this earth that has the right to judge me and define me is myself.

Now about that little dominant side you might be seeing. Its there, clear as the nose on my face. It’s a part of me I actually once feared. I now very graciously embrace that side of me, as I do the submissive side of myself. Some of you may now be rolling your eyes, thinking ok here we go, another confused soul. Not at all. I’m very certain of who I am, all sides of me, the good the bad and the ugly and I strive on a daily basis to be a better person each and every day.

"Switches"...they aren’t just branches on a tree, we fear we have to go cut from the tree in the back yard at our parents displeasure; choosing our ultimate demise and preparing ourselves to hear once again "this will hurt you more then it hurts me". PLEASEEEEEE I may have believed that up until the time I was about 8. After that it was a no go, and still is. People and society feel a need to place definitions on everyone and everything, and hoping that it fits into the category neatly. I’ve never been much of a conformist even as a child; just ask my parents. It wasn’t that I felt a blatant disregard for authority, or disbelief of everything I was taught or told to do, or not to do. It goes back to I believe in what I believe and I believe with a great deal of conviction. So the million dollar question is am I a switch? Well your going to have to figure that one out for yourself by your own definition(s). I prefer to simply be me. I spent too long trying to find my way into the "acceptable society of D/s" internally struggling with who or what I was, simply because I was told that wasn’t the thing to do. SAYS WHO?? Where is there a written law that says a slave will kneel for 8 hours a day and wear her knees out before she is 20 or she isn’t a slave?? Sadly in the beginning I bought into it all, lock stock and barrel. It wasn’t long before that little evil side of me was saying "you have got to be kidding (with a silent kiss my ass) masked behind a polite "yes Master"; because that was what was expected and what I had been taught and told you do "if you’re a sub". **making a rather undignified sound**

We could get into all the traditional debates, who is a sub vs. who is a slave, who is a top vs. who is a dominant yadda yadda yadda. I’m not here to waste the polish on my nails to get into those eternal debates. Hopefully if you’re here to read my thoughts, and share in what I believe to be honest D/s feelings and expressions you know who you are, and thusly don’t have a need to define me. You have better things to do with your time.

If this is a return visit, your going to see a few changes. Nothing to drastic. The older poems will be intact, you might find some improvements on the graphics, since lord knows some were needed. This page began as one page, a personal challenge to myself, that I was going to teach myself how to create a webpage and learn how to do graphics. I am NO professional my any stretch of the means here, nor do I claim to be. Again, its all self expression. One thing you will see is that all my poetry is now going to be signed by Karen Ann (yes I do have a real name). Its not angel^heart, and its not zarah, or any other names I may have had on line at one time or another. Since the meanings and feelings were me at the time I wrote them, I fell it justified that I no longer "hide" behind the gazillion online persona’s. I’ve also take off a couple of real life stories and interactions for the time being. I may go back and change the names in them, to protect the "innocent". They have moved on in their lives and I feel I owe them their privacy from any relationship(s) we may have shared at one time or another.

Lastly, I would like to thank all the marvelous people (and nit whits) I have met along the journey in my life who I have gleamed valuable information from. Those that I respect and admire I have a little piece of you within me to carry forward into the next lifetime. Those that left a less then delightful taste in my mouth from knowing you, I thank you as well, because I realize more clearly the type of person I don’t wish to have in my life, or become. That wonderful adage always reveals its self sooner or later "what goes around comes around". I can with a clear conscious sit back and enjoy my karma :) So positive or negative ....it’s all positive in the end if that is what you choose to make it, and I have!! I’ve never been on to play the victim well; so no sense in trying to now. "What doesn’t kill us will make us stronger".  (laughing and I'm not dead yet!)

I am who I am....I am me; welcome to my world

Karen Ann