The Massacre at Qana, Lebanon

Only three and a half years ago, on April 18, 1996, the Isreali's bombed the United Nations Compound in Qana, Lebanon, massacring over a hundred Lebanese men, women, and children. The Lebanese people thought they would be safe at the UN Compound, but tragically they were not.

Qana was the bloodiest incident in a 17 day Isreali bombardment that killed up to 200 people, mostly civilians. Isreal claimed the Qana Massacre was a mistake in it's plotting of the UN Compound and an error from it's guns. Then Secretary-General Boutros Ghali, sent his military advisor Franklin Van Kappan to Qana to investigate. His findings compiled in a UN Report, along with the conclusion of Amnesty International's investigation show that Isreal deliberately shelled the camp with the knowledge of the presence of innocent civilians inside. The report concluded it was "unlikely that the shelling of the UN Compound was a result of gross technical and/or procedural error."

The US State Department has refused to classify the 1996 Qana Massacre as an act of Isreal state terrorism. Isreal continues to be in violation of Resolution 425, which calls for the unconditional removal of Isreal from Lebanon.

The above picture is a protest that was held in Gaza.

The Holocaust of Muslims

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