Welcome to my Guestbook!

Mike Battle - 01/14/00 12:59:51
My Email:battle03@ata.attmil.ne.jp
How did you hear of this page?: My beautiful daughter, Tina Battle
Just wanted to let you know I entered the web page. Very well done...Mike...

Kathy Martinez - 12/31/99 00:50:37
My Email:latinkat@earthlink.net
How did you hear of this page?: are friends of Mazen al Najjar
Organization: former detainee
We are appalled at the injustice being committed against Mazen and his family. Fedaa and the girls are suffering as is Mazen himself. Please send us information on who to write to on behalf of Mazen. We have already contacted many of the people that we are associated with on his behalf. Please give us leads for other persons to contact. Thanks.

Kamal - 08/28/99 15:35:44
My Email:mkamal@singnet.com.sg
How did you hear of this page?: Just surfed on it
Organization: NA
Great homepage. I even copied your cursor :-) Thanks. I'm very happy to find such a beautiful page with good contents after a long hour of surfing. I do not normally sign guestbooks but somehow I just have to drop you a note to wish you all the best.

Mustafa - 03/24/99 05:33:55
My Email:ghawwar@hotmail.com
How did you hear of this page?: A cyber friend.
Thanks so much for this Page. I wish more people knew what is really going on, and who is/are the REAL terrorist(s). May Allaah curse all those who kill unjustly; especially those who are based in Washington, London and Tel Aviv.

Blaise Riou - 03/24/99 01:44:42

Je visted GeoCities et le somhow a fini vers le haut sur votre page Web. Combien d'heure avez-vous investie dans votre site Internet? J'espère avoir un bientôt!

Jim & Pat Battle - 03/09/99 02:08:39
My Email:pbat48jbat47@webtv.net
How did you hear of this page?: e-mail
Very inspiring page.

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