Confiscation of Land, Massacres, and Oppression of Palestine

In 1896 the total population of Palestine was 500,000 of which 47,000 were Jews who owned 0.5% of the land. Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remarked that Israel needs more living space in the West Bank and other areas in the Middle-East, a statement identical to Adolf Hitler's "Lebens Raum," or living space policy, justifying the removal of Polish people from their homes and moving Germans to those areas.

1896...Theodor Herzl wrote "Der Judenstaat", The Jewish State. Herzl recommended that diplomatic activity be the primary method for attaining a Jewish state. He advocated the creation of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel or Argentina. When asked which territory the Jews should request, Herzl replied, "We shall take what is given us, and what is selected by public opinion."

1897...Basle, Switzerland, 23 Jewish leaders announced that Jews should establish a Jewish state in Palestine and remove all the current inhabitants.

August 14, 1903...Clement Hill, Superintendent of African Protectorates under the Foreign Office, sent a letter to Leopold J. Greenberg, Herzl's representative in London. It informed the Zionist Organization of it's agreement in principle to Jewish settlement in East Africa (Uganda) "on conditions which will enable members to observe their national customs." The letter was brought before the Sixth Zionist Congress at Basle on August 26, 1903. It was decided to send a expedition to examine the territory proposed. This decision passed by a majority of 295 in favor of, 178 against, and 100 abstentions.

1903-1905...During this period, the Jewish Territorialist Organization (ITO) was formed from various groups that supported Herzl's Uganda scheme. With the rejection of the East Africa project at the Seventh Zionist Congress, Nahum Syrkin and Israel Zagwill called an alternative conference to continue the plan of the Uganda scheme. After the rejection of the Uganda scheme on the grounds of impractibility by the British, Zagwill turned his attention to settlement in Canada and Austrailia. Opposition from local residents led him to abandon the scheme. Expeditions were sent to Mesopotamia (Iraq), Cyrenaica (Libya), and Angola but little came of these.

1907-1914...The Galverston scheme had some success, this scheme contemplated the settlement of Jews in the American South-West, in particular Texas. This scheme received the assistance of Jacob Schiff, an American Jewish Banker, and about 9,300 Jews arrived in the area through the Emigration Bureau of the Territorialist Organization.

1914...With the outbreak of WWI, Britain promised the independence of Arab lands under the Ottoman rule, including Palestine, in return for Arab support against Turkey which had entered the war on the side of Germany.

1916...Britain and France signed the Sykes-Picot Agreement, which divided the Arab region into zones of influence. Lebanon and Syria were assigned to France, Jordan and Iraq to Britain, and Palestine was to be internationalized.

November 2, 1917...Arthur James Balfour, British Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs, wrote a letter addressed to Lord Rothschild, this latter became known as "The Balfour Declaration." He stated that Britain would use it's best endeavors to facilitate the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people. At that time the population of Palestine was 700,000 of which 574,000 were Muslim, 74,000 were Christian, and 56,000 were Jews.

Balfour said,"Zionism is more important than 700,000 Arab Palestinians."

1919...The Palestinians convened their first National Conference and expressed their opposition to the Balfour Declaration.

British Prime Minister Churchill said in response to Palestinian demands to revoke the Balfour Declaration, "They ask me to haul Jewish immigration. I can't do that, and I don't wish also. I think it is much better for the world, Jews, Britain and Arabs also to implement this Declaration. Establishing a Jewish state on Jordan's river bands with four or five million Jews will be in Britain's interest.

1920...The San Remo Conference granted Britain a mandate over Palestine and two years later Palestine was effectively under British Administration.

1922...The Council of the League of Nations issued a Mandate for Palestine. The Mandate was in favor of the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine.

Azar Weizman said in his memoirs: "There was a confidential agreement in which Britain had engaged itself to hand over Palestine without Arab people to us in 1934."

1936...The Palestinians held a six month general strike to protest against the confiscation of Palestinian land and Jewish immigration.

1939...The British Government published a new White Paper restricting Jewish immigration and offering independence for Palestine within ten years. This was rejected by the Zionists.

1947...The United Nations approved the partition under which the Palestinians, who accounted for 70% of the population and owned 92% of the land, were allocated 47%of the country.

December 13, 1947...YEHIDA MASSACRE...Men of the Arab village of Yehiday, met at the local coffee house when they saw a British Army Patrol enter the village. The four cars stopped in front of the coffee house and stepped out dressed in khaki uniforms and steel helmets. It soon became apparent that they had not come to protect the villagers. With machine guns they sprayed bullets into the crowd gathered at the Cafe'. Some of the invaders placed bombs next to Arab homes while other disguised terrorists tossed grenades at civilians. Soon a real British patrol arrived to foil the well organized killing. Seven Arab civilians were killed. Earlier the same day, six Arabs were killed and twenty-three wounded when home made bombs were tossed at a crowd of Arabs standing near the Damascus gate in Jerusalem. In Jaffa, another bomb killed six Arabs and injured forty. The previous day, Jewish terrorists killed twelve Palestinians.

December 13, 1947...KHISAS MASSACRE...Two carloads of Haganah terrorists drove thru the village of Khisas firing machine guns and throwing grenades. Ten Arab civilians were killed in the raid.

December 19, 1947...QAZAZA MASSACRE...Five Arab children were murdered when Jewish terrorists blew up a house in the village.

1948...British forces withdrew from Palestine in May and the Zionists proclaimed the state of Israel without defining it's borders. Arab armies moved in to defend the Palestinians.

January 1, 1948...AL-SHEIKH VILLAGE MASSACRE...On that night around two hundred Zionists armed with hand grenades and machine guns sneaked into the Al-Sheikh village. They attacked the houses on the edges of the village killing about forty of the Palestinian inhabitants, mostly women and children.

April 9-10, 1948...DEIR YASSIN MASSACRE...In an operation which was called "Operation Unity", the Haganah co-operated with the Irgun and the Stern Gang. At 4:30 am on Friday the 9th, they surrounded they village which was overlooked by the Jewish settlements of Givat Shaul and Montefiore. For two days Zionist terrorists killed men, women, and children. Women were raped and they took their jewelry. An account of the massacre was given by a Red Cross doctor who arrived at the village on the second day.....mopping up is how one terrorist put it to him. It was done with machine guns, grenades and finished with knives. Women's bellies were cut open and babies were butchered in the hands of their helpless mothers. Around two hundred and fifty people were murdered in cold blood. Of them twenty-five pregnant women who were bayoneted in the abdomen while still alive. Fifty-two children were maimed under the eyes of their mothers, and they were slain, their heads cut off.

April 13-14, 1948...NASER AL-DIN MASSACRE...Acontingent of Lehi and Irgun entered this village on the night of the 13th dressed as Arab fighters. Upon their entrance to the village the people of the village went out to greet them, the terrorists met them with fire, killing everyone in the village except for forty Arabs that survived. All of the houses of the village were destroyed.

May 21, 1948...BEIT DARAS MASSACRE...After a number of failed attempts to occupy this village, the Zionists mobilized a large contingent and surrounded the village. The people of the village decided that women and children should leave. As they left the village they were met by the Zionist Army who massacred them despite the fact they could see the women and children were fleeing the fighting.

October 29, 1948...DAWAYMA MASSACRE...The following is the testimony of a soldier who participated in the occupation of the village of Dawayma..."They killed between eighty and one hundred Arab men, women, and kill the children they fractured their heads with sticks, not one home was left without corpses...One Commander ordered a soldier to bring two women into a building he was about to blow up...another soldier prided himself on having raped an Arab woman before shooting her." This massacre was perpetrated by the 89th Battalion, the authors of the Lydda massacre.

1949...A cease fire was finally agreed. The Zionists controlled 77% of Palestinian land and over one million Palestinians were forced to leave the country....they still remain refugees.

May 1949...The General Assembly of International Security Council recognized with Israel as a state established on Palestinian lands. Israel's first government was headed by David Ben Gorion.

February 7, 1951...SHARAFAT MASSACRE...Israeli soldiers crossed the armistice line to this village, and blew up the home of the Mukhtar and his neighbors. Ten were killed, eight were wounded. Of the ten killed: two were elderly men, three were women, and five were children.

October 14, 1953...KIBYA MASSACRE...9:30 pm about 700 regular Israeli troops attacked the border of the Jordanian village of Kibya. Using mortars, machine guns, rifles and explosives they blew up forty-two homes, the local schools, and the mosque. Seventy-five innocent villagers were murdered....this raid was ordered by Ariel Sharon.
November 24, 1953...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 101...Expressed strongest censure of Israel for the first time because of its raid on Qibya.
March 29, 1955...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 106...Condemned Israel for Ghazzah raid.
January 19, 1956...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 111...Condemned Israel for raid on Syria that killed fifty-six people.

October 29, 1956...KAFR QASEM MASSACRE...Israeli frontier guards started at 4pm what they called a tour of the triangle villages. They told the Mukhtars of those villages that curfew from that day onwards was to start from 5pm instead of 6pm. They reached Kafr Qasem around 4:45pm and informed the Mukhtar who protested that there were about 400 workers working outside the village and there was not enough time to inform them. An officer assured they would be taken care of. Forty-three Kafr Qasem villagers were massacred in cold blood by the Israeli Army, for violating a curfew they knew nothing about. On the Northern entrance of the village three were killed and two more were killed inside the village. Lt. Danhan was touring the area reporting the massacre, on his wireless he said "minus fifteen Arabs" after awhile his message to his HQ was "it is difficult to count."
January 22, 1958...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 127...Recommended Israel to suspend its no-man zone in Jerusalem.
April 11, 1961...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 162...Urged Israel to comply with UN decisions.
April 9, 1962...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 171...Determined flagrant violation by Israel in its attack on Syria.

1964...The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) was established.

January 1, 1965...The Palestinian Revolution began.

November 13, 1966...AL-SAMMOU' MASSACRE...Israeli forces raided this village, destroyed one hundred twenty-five houses, the village clinic, and the school. They also destroyed fifteen houses in the neighboring village. Eighteen people were killed and fifty-four wounded.
November 25, 1966...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 228...Censured Israel for its attack on Al-Sammou'.

1967...Israel launched a new war against the Palestinians, and seized the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the Syrian Golan Heights and the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula.
June 14, 1967...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 237...Urged Israel to allow the return of new 1967 Palestinian refugees.
March 24, 1968...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 248...Condemned Israel for its massive attack on Karameh in Jordan.
April 27, 1968...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 250...Called on Israel to refrain from holding a military parade in Jerusalem.
May 2, 1968...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 251...Deeply deplored Israel's military parade in Jerusalem and declared invalid Israel's acts to unify.
August 16, 1968...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 256...Condemned Israeli raids on Jordan as flagrant violation.
September 27, 1968...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 259...Deplored Israel's refusal to accept UN mission to probe occupation.
December 31, 1968...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 262...Condemned Israel's attack on Beirut airport, destroying the entire fleet of Middle-East Airlines.
April 1, 1969...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 265...Condemned Israel for air attacks on Salt in Jordan.
July 3, 1969...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 267...Censured Israel for administrative acts to change status of Jerusalem.
August 26, 1969...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 270...Condemned Israel for air attack on villages in Southern Lebanon.
September 15, 1969...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 271...Condemned Israel's failure to comply with UN Resolutions on Jerusalem.
May 12, 1970...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 279...Demanded withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon.
May 19, 1970...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 280...Condemned Israeli attacks against Lebanon.
September 5, 1970...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 285...Demanded immediate Israeli troop withdrawal from Lebanon.
September 25, 1971...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 298...Deplored Israel's change of status of Jerusalem.
August 8, 1972...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 313...Demanded Israel stop attacks against Lebanon.
June 26, 1972...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 316...Condemned Israel for repeated attacks on Lebanon.
July 21, 1972...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 317...Deplored Israel's refusal to release Arabs abducted from Lebanon.
April 21, 1973...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 332...Condemned Israel's repeated attacks against Lebanon.
August 15, 1973...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 337...Condemned Israel for violating Lebanon's sovereignty.

1973...The October War between Israel and the Arab states broke out.

1974...The Arab Summit in Rabat recognized the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. At the United Nations General Assembly, the UN reaffirmed its commitment to an independent sovereign state in Palestine, and gave the PLO observer status in the United Nations. Yasser Arafat addressed the General Assembly of the UN.
April 24, 1974...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 347...Condemned Israeli attacks on Lebanon.
March 19, 1978...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 425...Called on Israel to withdraw its forces unconditionally from Lebanon.
May 3, 1978...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 427...Called on Israel to complete its withdrawal from Lebanon.
January 19, 1979...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 444...Deplored Israel's lack of cooperation with UN peace forces.
March 22, 1979...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 446...Determined Israeli settlements as a serious obstruction to peace and called on Israel to abide by the Geneva conventions.
June 14, 1979...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 450...Called on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon.
July 20, 1979...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 452...Called on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories.
March 1, 1980...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 465...Deplored Israel's settlements and asked all member States not to assist Israel's settlement program.
April 24, 1980...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 467...Condemned Israel's military intervention in Lebanon.
May 8, 1980...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 468...Called on Israel to rescind illegal expulsion of two Palestinian mayors, and a Judge, and to facilitate their return.
May 20, 1980...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 469...Strongly deplored Israel's failure to observe the Council's order not to deport Palestinians.
June 5, 1980...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 471...Expressed deep concern at Israel's failure to adibe by the Fourth Geneva Convention.
June 30, 1980...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 476...Reinterated that Israel's claims to Jerusalem are null and void.
August 20, 1980...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 478...Censured in the strongest terms Israel for its claim to Jerusalem in its basic law.
December 19, 1980...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 484...Declared it imperative Isreal re-admit two Palestinian Mayors.
June 19, 1981...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 487...Strongly condemns Israel for its attack on Iraq's nuclear facility.
December 17, 1981...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 497...Decided Israel's annexation of Syria's Golan Heights is null and void and demanded that Israel rescind its decision forthwith.
December 18, 1981...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 498...Called on Israel to withdraw its forces forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon.
February 25, 1982...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 501...Called on Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its troops.
June 6, 1982...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 508...Demanded Isreal withdraw its forces forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon.
July 29, 1982...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 515...Demanded Israel lift its seige of Beirut and allow in food.
August 4, 1982...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 517...Censured Israel for failing to obey UN resolutions and demanded Israel withdraw it's forces from Lebanon.
August 12, 1982...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 518...Demanded Israel cooperate fully with UN forces in Lebanon.

September 15-18, 1982...SABRA and SHATILA MASSACRE...After the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, three thousand Palestinian men, women, and children were massacred under the watchful eyes of the Israeli Army.
September 17, 1982...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 520...Condemned Israel's attack into West Beirut.

1983...The United Nations called for a convening of a Peace conference with the participation of the PLO on an equal footing with the other delegates as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.
October 4, 1985...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 573...Condemned Israel vigorously for bombing Tunisia in attack on PLO Headquarters.
September 23, 1986...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 587...Took note of previous calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon and urged all parties to withdraw.
December 8, 1986...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 592...Strongly deplored the killing of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University by Israeli troops.

December 1987...The Intifada (Uprising) began.
December 22, 1987...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 605...Strongly deplored Israel's policies and practices denying human rights to Palestinians.
January 6, 1988...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 607...Called on Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requested it abide to the Fourth Geneva Convention.
January 14, 1988...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 608...Deeply regreted that Israel had defied the UN and deported Palestinian civilians.

April 14, 1988...Abu Jihad, a Palestinian leader, was gunned down in his home in Tunis by Israeli Mossad.
July 6, 1989...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 636...Deeply regreted the Israeli deportation of Palestinians.
August 30, 1989...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 641...Deplored Israel's continuous deportation of Palestinians.

May 20, 1990...OYON QARA MASSACRE...An Israeli soldier lined up Palestinian laborers and murdered seven of them with a sub-machine gun. Thirteen Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces in demonstrations following the massacre.

1990...Yasser Arafat addressed the UN Security Council in Geneva after the Oyon Qara Massacre, in which he called for the deployment of a UN emergency force to provide international protection for the Palestinian people, to safe guard their lives, properties, and holy places. The US vetoed a motion which called for the Security Council to send a fact finding mission to the area.

October 8, 1990...AL-AQSA MOSQUE MASSACRE...Israeli police opened fire on worshippers in Al-Aqsa mosque, killing twenty-two people.
October 12, 1990...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 672...Condemned Israel for violence against Palestinians at Jerusalem's Haram Al-Sharif (Al-Aqsa Mosque).
October 24, 1990...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 673...Deplored Israel's refusal to cooperate with the UN.
December 20, 1990...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 681...Deplored Israel's resumption of deportation of Palestinians.
May 24, 1991...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 694...Deplored Israel's deportation of Palestinians and called on it to ensure their safe and immediate return.
January 1, 1992...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 726...Strongly condemned Israel's decision to resume deportation of Palestinians from Palestinian territories....including Jerusalem.
December 19, 1992...UN SECURITY RESOLUTION 799...Deplored Israel's mass deportation of some four hundred Palestinians and called for their immediate return.

February 25, 1994...IBRAHIMI MOSQUE MASSACRE...A Jewish terrorist from Keryat Arba' settlement massacred sixty worshippers in the Ibrahimi mosque in Al-Khalil (Hebron), and wounded two hundred. Later massive demonstrations took to the streets of Palestine and the Israeli Army killed twenty-three and wounded hundreds more. Reports indicated that there was three Jewish settler gunners, not just one.

March 28, 1994...JABALIA MASSACRE...A Jewish undercover officer opened fire on Palestinian activists brutally killing six and wounding forty-nine. Some of the activists were taken out of their cars and shot in the head.

July 17, 1994...ERETZ CHECKPOINT MASSACRE...The scene was described as a war zone which lasted for six hours. Four Israeli tanks and helicopters were brought by the occupation forces, while a number of Jewish settlers were taking part in firing at Palestinians. Eleven Palestinians were killed, two hundred wounded. Protest spread, several clashes were reported at Hebron University, two Palestinians were killed in Hebron.

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