Rules and Regulations

Every country, state, town, local community where a group assembles there must be some kind of judicial structure. Channel Jordan being a community where more than one person assemble's will require just such a structure. Therefore we set before you a simple but imperative list of rules. And it is the sole propose of the OP's of the channel to serve as delegates to see that the rules are upheld.

We by no means wish to dictate to you the topics of conversation or with whom you should chat, but the channel is for everyone and respect must be shown by all.


The rules are divided into ones where you will get one warning first. Then you get kicked and banned, and the rules where if broken you get no warning.
If you are in doubt then don't run any scripts you don't know how to modify yourself.


1. NO CAPS- ALL CAPITAL LETTERS is considered yelling.
2. NO HARASSING- user's or OP's.
3. NO OP'S BEGGING- This is very annoying. If you persist, you'll be out.
4. SPEAK ENGLISH- Or Arabic, Don't Use Arabic Fonts.


1.NO SWEARING- Vulgar language will not be tolerated in the channel.
2.NO FLOODING- 3 lines in 5 seconds from the same user is considered flooding.
3.NO INVITING- No inviting to other channels or servers.
4.NO ADVERTISING- No advertising of other channels, ftp or web sites.
5.NO CLONES- A clone is a user running multiple clients on the same address and the limit is 2.
6.NO AUTOMESSAGES/AUTOGREETS- are in the same category as mass messages.
7.NO OFFENSIVE NICKS/USER ID'S- Again this is a family channel so be nice.
8.NO REPEATING- 3 Times is repeating!


This is a large, clean, well run channel. We are quite proud of it and would like to keep it this way. Your input and abiding by the rules is what will continue to keep make it one of the best channels on DALnet. Any questions, ideas or problems, please speak with an operator. We are here to help you and we work as a team.

"Teamwork in #Jordan is what makes the channel go round."

Please make sure to follow these rules, dis-respecting the above rules may result palcing you in akick, or a ban for your entire host or domain. These Rules will be updated when ever there is a new rule elected. Please check back often for updates on the channel and on the website.

To extend out your hand to a friend is easy.
To extend out your hand to an enemy shows you are a man of strength.
God created us all equal isn't it time we woke up to realization.
