In everyone's life they need a little romance. There are different degrees of LOVE. In the next few months, I hope to take you into several levels. With my writings I hope you go away with a feeling that if you dont have someone, they're out there, maybe the boy next door, at work, a stranger on the street, or even on the computer in front of your eyes. Don't let love pass you by, grab ahold of it and hang on, enjoy the ride.

Please excuse any error's in typing or minor mistakes. This is what you call a rough draft. That means the first time it's writen. Novel's get a rewritten as many a dozzen times before they are published. I am writing this as my I go along. Once finished I will go back and prouf read it and correct any grammar mistakes. Then a third time just to make sure I like it. Then off to the publisher. Yet you are the first to read it as it comes so enjoy it and over look any minor flaws. If you have a comment you may Send Me Mail, and I will be glad to make note of your comments. Thank You. ENTER INTO THE WORLD OF NOVELS

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter IXV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter IXX
Chapter XX
Chpater XXI

More Chapters added, New Novels etc..etc.

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