Herbs for Healing and the Soul

Angelica - Drink the tea to stimulate the appetite, relieve flatulance, and as a diuretic to stimulate kidney action. Also, a general tonic for the weakness and nervous headache. The tea is supposed to bring kidney action. Also a general tonic for weakness and nervous headache. The tea is supposed to bring on menstruation and dispel afterbirth. The powder of the root is useful to prevent infection when fasting(3/8 tsp at a time) and a tea or decoction of the root can be useful for stomach and intestinal problems, including ulcers and nervous vomiting. In large doses can have adverse effects on heart, blood pressure and respiration, so use with caution. Externally, a decoction of the root can be used for scabies or itching skin.

Apple - Venus, Water. Cider can be used in place of blood wine where called for in ancient spells and rites. The wood is made into wands used by some for love for spells and rituals. In Cornwall, a large apple was given to each member of the household to be eaten at Samhain(Halloween) for luck.

Chamomile - Sun, Water. Some use in prosperity charms and rituals. Induces sleep. The tea brings peace and tranquility for those times when you need to do a ritual but are seething with anger or hurt. It is said that if you wash your face and hair with chamomile, it will attract a lover. If drunk before bed, the tea will aid sleep. Used to soothe nightmares and nervousness, for hysterical conditions, and to quiet fever and restlessness in children. Also drink for colic, stomach ache, diarrhoea, heartburn. Aids digestion. Can be used as a gentle healing wash for sores and wounds. The oil, diluted in a carrier oil, or a salve made from simmering the flowers in oil, can also be used as a rub for rheumatism, painful joints and strained muscles. Externally, chamomile makes a soothing bath additive and can be used in a footbath to relieve sweaty feet.

Carnation - Sun, Fire. Once worn by pagans to prevent capture and hanging. Produces added energy in ritual when used in incense.

Catnip - Venus, Water. Said to create a psychic bond between cat and owner. Sometimes used in love charms and incenses.

Cinnamon - Sun, Fire. Use in incenses for healing, clairvoyance, high spiritual vibrations. Reputed to be a male aphrodisiac. Used in prosperity charms.

Clover - Mercury. Associated with the Triple Goddess. Used in rituals for beauty and youth. Four-leaved clovers are carried to see fairies, heal illness, avoid military service, avoid madness, and as a general good-luck charm. To dream of clover is considered very fortunate, especially for young people.

Dasiy - Daisy leaf tea is drunk as a spring tonic, an expectorant, and to aid circulation. The leaves may be moistened, crushed and used as a poultice for bruises. Daisy flower infusion with a little honey added is reputed to whiten and clear the skin. Decorate the house with daisies on Midsummer's Eve to bring happiness to the home and to win the favour of the fairies. Daisies should also be worn on the person at Midsummer for luck and blessings.

Echinacea - The root is used to make dill water, a soporific and carminative syrup used to treat colic babies. To make dill water: Crush 25 grams dill seed, and soak in 500 ml hot water for 3-4 hrs. Strain, sweeten with 1 tbs honey. Give a small amount to be sipped.

Eyebright - Sun, Air. Anoint eyelids with the infusion daily to induce clairvoyant visions.

Garlic - Used for thousands of years to increase immunity, ease colds, lower tension, improve circulation, prevent intestinal worms and increase the healthy bacteria in the system. If nothing else is available, the juice of garlic, heavily diluted, will disinfect wounds (but it stings!) A stimulant and carminative, and natural antibiotic. Mars, Fire. Extremely protective herb. Carry the bulb with you on trips over water to prevent drowning. Hang in the home to protect.

Juniper - The berries are a powerful bloodcleanser, which has been used for arthritis and rheumatism as well as to clear up skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. As it is both disinfectant and diuretic, it has also been used in cases of kidney stones and infections of the urinary tract. Eating a few juniper berries in the morning, on an empty stomach, is reputed to clear up wind and heartburn. Sun, Fire. if a sprig of juniper is worn it will protect the wearer form accidents. The berries are sometimes dried and strung as a charm to atract lovers (I never advocate love spells). Can be used in anti-theft spells, and grown at the doorstep as protection from thieves.

Lavender - A mild infusion can be drunk for headache, to sooth nerves, and a sedative. Also used as a digestive aid, to relieve vomiting, and a tonic for colds and flu. The oil can be applied to the temples to cure nervous headache, and can be used externally as a antiseptic on sores, ulcers and abscesses. Mercury, Air. Used in purification baths and incenses. Thrown onto fires and Midsummer as tribute to the Gods and to bring visions and inspiration. Add to healing baths and sachets. The scent will induce sleep. Excellent for bringing clarity and coherence to magickal workings and for focusing visualisation.

Mistletoe - Worn as a protective amulet, or to help conceive. An anti-lightning charm.

Nutmeg - Jupiter, Air. Carry a nutmeg to strengthen clairvoyant powers and to prevent rheumatism. To dream of nutmegs foretells changes in the dreamer's life.

Olive - Sacred to Athena. Regarded as a symbol of peace and wealth, and a sign of safe travel.

Rose - The tea can be drunk for headaches, as a tonic for the kidneys, and to heal melancholy and low spirits. Venus, Water. Carry roses to attract true love. Drink a tea of rose petals for divinatory dreams. Add to charms and incenses for sleep, love and healing. To dream of roses is fortunate, foretelling success in love, unless the roses are white. Drink the tea to promote beauty without and within.

Rosemary - Can be drunk for stomach ache, colds and colic. Acts as a mild stimulant and a digestive aid, drunk to stimulate memory and rekindle lost energy. The tea is soothing and warming, and can be drunk for headaches and stress and to relieve nervous depression. Externally, promotes healing of wounds and acts as an antiseptic.Placed under the pilow, was supposed to ward off bad dreams.

Sage - Jupiter, Earth. Used in healing and prosperity charms. Regarded as a great safegaurd of health, and has a reputation of promoting longevity. Is supposed to grow best in the gardens of the wise.

Sunflower - Sun, Fire. Brings the blessings of the Sun into any garden in which it is grown. The seeds can be eaten by women who wish to conceive.

Vanilla - Jupiter, Fire. the bean is sometimes carried in a love charm, and the oil worn as an aphrodisiac.

Violet - Venus, Water. An herb sacred to the Druids and used by the Romans as a ritual cleansing plant. Used in magical cleansing baths, purification incenses, safety smulets. Hang abouve the bed to keep away nightmares. Used in love and protection charms. Burn for a good purification incense. Use in prosperity charms. In incenses it brings good luck and inspiration.

Witch Hasel - The distillation is commonly available, and used as an astringent and to releave bruising and bleeding and general skin irritations. Can be applied to relieve the pain and swelling of insect bites. Internally, a tea of the leaves is used for internal bleeding.

Note: I strongly disagree with love, prosperity and any other spells for personal gain. It is my belief that we are given what we get for a reason, even if at the time we are uncomfortable or seem unhappy with the cards we're dealt. Certain herbs listed are used in these types of spells, and those uses are included here for reference only.