:::) - 08/24/99 17:43:29 My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/me/war My Email:war@gurlmail.com How did you find me?: signed gbook | Comments: nice page! i enjoyed reading your dreams too. you sound like a really cool person! |
Daniel Travers - 08/19/99 20:35:12 My URL:http://www.geocities/Athens/under construction My Email:hermanubis@mindspring.com How did you find me?: geocities, I think | Comments: Love your website. Admire your talent. We have similar interests. I have been practicing herbology for years. I am deeply into Homeopathy and profoundly into Alchemy. Formerly a metaphysical bum, India, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, Hawaii, etc. More settled now, Eastern and Western Traditions. Regar s and blessings. Daniel |
Erin - 08/18/99 22:18:22 My URL:http://members.xoom.com/serenova/brmain.html My Email:gwytherinn@aol.com How did you find me?: Poetry and Prose Webring | Comments: This is the first poetry page out of all the pages I've visited that actually has GOOD poetry!! If you'd like, visit my poetry website. Thanks! |
Tommy - 08/11/99 20:06:52 My URL:http://welcome.to/thecoven My Email:tomgene@telekabel.nl How did you find me?: searching for herbs | Comments: Merry meet! Lots of info, by the way i found your great herbs page. Thanks for sharing. Merry part till we meet again. |
Phillip McKenzie - 08/10/99 01:13:31 My URL:/Heartland/Hills/1767 My Email:appalachianman@rocketmail.com How did you find me?: reading guestbooks | Comments: Great poetry. ![]() |
Gregory St. James - 08/06/99 20:00:43 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/vine/2509 My Email:dandelion-wine@usa.net How did you find me?: Al Petteway's Website/Lunah | Comments: Hello and blessed be! My girlfriend Staci and I are acquaintences of your Dad and Amy (I've taken a lesson or two and bought an octave mandolin from him. And of course LOTS of concerts). I "met" Lisa "Lunah" Robson online when Staci and I expressed an int rest in meeting members of the Wicca community in No. Virginia. We'll probably see her 8/7 at our concert or 8/13 at "Pagan's Night Out." Any old way, we really enjoy your site and wish you very well. God/dess bless and merry meet. . . Greg ;-) |
Aunt Judy - 07/31/99 23:32:08 My Email:jbrewe How did you find me?: I asked you | Comments: I love your site. You need more than 87 guests! |
Amanda Stevenson - 07/30/99 21:28:13 My URL:http://excite.com/page/cheerleaderhome My Email:LoganElm_Cheerleader@yahoo.com How did you find me?: Your MOM!! | Comments: Hey! This page really rocks! Alot better than mine..you actually update! Miles would be proud and approve of the page! Keep it up! *Grin* |
Melisende - 07/26/99 09:43:39 My URL:/Athens/Styx/9329 My Email:mz_melisende@yahoo.com How did you find me?: Geocities | Comments: I just happened across your wonderful website and stopped by for a visit. Your website is beatifully designed and your writing is extraordinary - I enjoyed reading through them all (some even twice!). I wish you well on your voyage of discovery. Take c re on life's great journey! |
Pat you know who - 07/17/99 02:24:51 | Comments: Well, well - the guestbook works! I'm glad to see you're back. It was nice to visit your site again. Keep up the good work! |
Me Silly!! - 07/12/99 16:35:21 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/9235 My Email:jwlstorm@earthlink.net How did you find me?: I made this place! | Comments: Ok everyone, here's my new improved guestbook. Maybe this one will work. I know a few people tried to sign my book before and it didn't work. I just thought everyone didn't like me :( So, now you don't have an excuse... hehehe!!!! |
Hey Jules! Your mommy and I found your page (awwww your mommy). Haven't read any of the poetry yet, but promise I will. E-mail me sometime. Thanks
Kaatryn - 11/06/98 00:19:11
My URL:http://pw1/netcom.com/~ladykat/RO/UEW.html
My Email:ladykat@ix.netcom.com
Site name: Just one of many pages
Thank you for publishing my poem! You are SOOOOooo cool!:)
10/26/98 11:02:57
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Lady Cerridwyn - 10/22/98 20:09:17
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/lovecraft/195
My Email:lady_cerridwyn@hotmail.com
Site name: Cerridwyns Cauldron
Thank you for signing my guestbook! I love your
dragon, and you have some very nice graphics on
your page. Yes, you may add a link to your page.
If you would like a copy of my banner, send me an
Marcus Randolph - 10/20/98 04:21:51
My Email:mran1@mindspring.com
Nice job on the webpage... :)
[kashmir] - 10/17/98 00:53:47
My URL:http://hem.passagen.se/kashmir
Site name: [kashmirs planet - stället där kärleken sprudlar]
Hi there...well....got to say that your site is really nice..=)....*and so are you*....*s* ...
Hope I can teach you a little bit in swedish, so that you understand something on my site too...=)
...but...now you're paging me on the ICQ...so...i've got to go back there....=)
[kashmir] - your friend on the other side of the atlantic ocean..=)
Stevan Martin - 10/16/98 05:41:16
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~majladiv/number1.html
My Email:Majladiv@hotmail.com
Site name: Majladiv's Civil War Reenacting Page!
Dear Lady, I have visited thee, Wilst thou visit me. Hopefully to share a mutual respect, each for one another's Pages. Now I go forth as they did of Old and with a determination to be Bold. I have entered the Fight for that which is Right! Please visit m
sites for I have entered the Fights. Sincerely...Stevan Martin
Silver Phoenix - 10/08/98 15:14:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rainforest/canopy/2178
My Email:silverphoenix@cybergal.com
Site name: Paganism - Yesturday, Today & Tomorrow
Loved the page and will be back again to see any additions. I invite you and your guests to visit my page. Sign a guestbook so I will know you were there. Peace
Wolfwyndd - 10/05/98 16:51:13
My URL:http://www.bcpl.net/~jchull/main.html
My Email:jchull@bcpl.net
Site name: Wolfwyndd's Main Web Page
Hey Jewel,
I finally had a chance to go through some more of your web site. I'm very impressed, the graphics are pretty intense. BTW, I think i told you, I added you to my links page. Feel free to add my site to your's if you can get geocities to act right. :)
Melisende - 10/02/98 07:32:09
My URL:/Athens/Aegean/3325
My Email:melisende@hotmail.com
Site name: Melisende's Realm
Thank you for sharing with us all some very wonderful poetry. Take care on life's great journey!
Cindy - 09/25/98 08:21:20 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Hiya Jewel,
The site is looking great! I love your poetry. Keep up the good work :)
Noone special - 09/16/98 00:11:25
Site name: none
Lovely site!
Vivien - 09/04/98 19:52:09
My Email:nadobhar@hotmail.com
This site is beautiful. I was trying to get in contact with some wiccan/pagans in the area and came across your page. (I live in Arlington.) Good luck on future endeavors.
Mom - 08/26/98 18:33:50
My Email:youalreadyknow
I just visited your site and enjoyed the new pictures and poetry. Always visit Faireyland!
Keeper - 08/22/98 18:08:43
My URL:http://www.premier.net/~rreagan/index.htm
My Email:thekeeper@mindless.com
Stormdancer you have it looking real nice!!
I made the link...Later Keeper
Reggi Davis - 08/21/98 16:51:46
My Email:reggi.davis@osia.mil
Hey Dahlin' Just stopped by to see apicture, and when i went to the photo gallery, I couldnt get in. Cant wait for Samhain at HOTGCPW! By the way, pretty site! Rayne/reggi
Me - 08/20/98 20:35:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/ithaca/9235
My Email:jstormdancer@hotmail.com
Just talkin to myself as usual. Hello, me!!! :) Anyone else have something to say? Well, SAY IT!!!