My Prayer

Words from a Submissive Heart


~ by ~


May I be able to show Him each day my deep love and

respectful service.

May I be honest about my weakness so that He may

help me to become strong.

Let me be slow to offend and quick to understand.

Let me somehow find the strength to forgive myself

when I fail Him.

Help me to never seek to manipulate Him, but to

serve Him with an open and pure heart.

May I bring light and peace to our path.

Allow me me an exquisite tenderness with which to

comfort Him.

Allow me  a wisdom beyond myself , with which to

understand Him.

Let me learn to please Him, and to abandon myself

to the pleasure of Him.

Let my conduct  ~ show

Him the same respect and deep devotion during

both cherished and difficult times.

Permit me to love myself, in  loving Him.

Enable me to trust him with my very life.

Let me accept my lessons with dignity ~ help me

to welcome them.

Let me accept my punishment with  the grace

of a woman.

Allow me the strength to lay open and needing ~

to hurt without turning away.

 Let me to conduct myself in a way that makes

Him ever more proud that I am His.

Allow me to always honor in my heart that He is willing

walk to walk my hard road with me, and let the love

I return be multiplied for this fact.

Let  my love bring him great and increasing

self love daily.

Let me find courage, rest, healing, and peace

in the way He completes me ~ and let me be

enough to complete Him.

Let me love him truly and faithfully from now

until death ~ and then into the

unknowingness beyond.

And please, make my heart beautiful for Him.      

Merry Christmas to all 

I Love You !

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Created With Love for My dear sis

~ by ~

of fire born

"Oh, Holy Night "

Page Created December 24, 1998