The Passion Ignites

Sir William's Room

~ Created in the Spirit of Friendship by ~

Lady Rechereche

 ( Formerly Of Fire Born )


(Author's Name Witheld by Request)

What is that strange familiar voice

which speaks, reinventing me?

Creates me fresh with such broad strokes;

rewrites my history?

Explodes the shackles of my birth;

my thoughts and circumstances?

So easily restructures me

with one bright careless glance?

Do I know you, dark man?

And how do you know me?

Who gives you leave to make

your home of wildness inside of me?

You sing over my bones

and break the coding of my blood;

transform me into animal;

she-devil wallowing in mud.

Please don't stop!

Your magic is deeper than breath.

The changes that you make

more real than birth or death.

Your very presence here

liberates and unfurls

all creatures wet and wild

that stalk within this girl.

Now be prepared and warned

my change is on your head ~

this wolfen will not rest

until she has been fed.

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And the Passion Ignites...

Music Selections

~ Sanctified (background) ~

~ Submission  ~ Mortal Combat ~ Copacabana ~

~ Sonata ~ Thriller ~

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