~ In Loving Memory Of ~

Our Lady Jeza Belle


 Page Created in Honor of Lady Jeza Belle By

Of Fire Born 

December 18, 1998

~ Every Angel Cries ~

Kelly Kirkpatrick

You brought a smile to every day you graced our lives and room,

and not once did you give away the fate that for you loomed.

Instead, you focused on us all and always brought good cheer,

In grace and honor you stood tall whenever you drew near.

You floated in on wings of love and touched so many lives;

now you've flown to heaven above, and every angel cries.

As do we all at losing you, our dear, beloved Belle,

our only comfort sure and true is that you're finally well.

Free of sorrow, illness, pain ~ now borne on angel's wings,

your wondrous spirit free again in this and in all things.

And though you've left us, Lady Belle, in mourning and in tears,

Your boundless courage serves us well as we face our own fears.


Your memory lingers in our minds, and deep within our hearts,

and we shall strive  throughout all time; thru  all life's stops and starts,

to carry on the legacy that you have left behind,

facing strife as you would be ~  to others ever kind.

Farewell for now, beloved Belle, until we meet again ~

watch over us and guide us well, our sweet and gentle friend.

Rest safe now in the arms of God, yet ever present here,

for as our earthly paths are trod, we'll always hold you dear.

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~ Music ~

~Tears in Heaven ~ Streets of Philadelphia ~ Let it Be ~