~ by ~
Kelly Kirkpatrick
The Hawk and the Dove
Kelly Kirkpatrick
How long I'd journeyed in my quest to find my heart's desire,
until you came to bring me rest and quell the searing fire
that threatened to consume my soul and paid my heart no heed,
leaving my life less than whole and filled with burning need.
Elusive, ever present need that through the years had grown,
hunger that I could not feed ~ a lifetime spent alone.
Wandering lost and unfulfilled amidst those who were whole,
my heart a fertile soil untilled, unsure of it's life's role.
What I possess and wish to give for your exclusive use
must be nurtured well to live and never know abuse.
A gift of power, self, and will, profferred in love and trust,
for you to fashion and distill as your love says you must.
Deep within a dark recess of this submissive heart,
lies the final happiness ~ the brightly glowing spark,
that, fanned by honor, trust and love will smolder and ignite,
illuminating soul and mind with clear and brilliant light.
Master of my very soul and my heart's delight,
lead me ever toward the goal and guard me through the night.
Instill within my searching mind the knowledge that you keep;
protect me well from those unkind as in your arms I sleep.
Guide me with unfailing love and firm but caring ways,
let the hawk soar with the dove for our remaining days.
Mighty hawk and gentle dove, both with much to teach,
flying high on wings of love unto the farthest reach.
Each with so much love to give fulfill's the other's need ~
I to serve and for you live and you to rule and lead.
Together we were meant to be, our destinies entwined,
rejoicing souls at last set free and pain left far behind.
Take in yours my outstretched hand; make yours all that's mine,
bind me close with silken strands, our essences combined.
I offer you submission sweet ~ know me as your own;
ascend with me until we meet in places angels roam.
No greater power known on earth than that you shall possess,
when mine flows forth in my rebirth and final happiness.
To merge with yours and carry us to heights we've never known
where the hawk shall claim his dove ~ then bring her safely home.
Forever there to take my place, enfolded in your wings,
safe within your steel embrace; your pleasure in all things.
Serene and succored at long last, my soulmate finally near,
tears and torment now the past ~ for Master now is here.
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~ Music Selections ~
~ Submission (background) ~
~ Titanic Theme ~ Bad ~ Putting on the Ritz ~