~ Emergence ~
~ by ~
Kelly Kirkpatrick
Are you the one who'll look inside and find the heart of me?
Tame gale force winds and raging tides to set my spirit free?
Wander chambers in my heart no man before has seen?
Come to me in shadows dark and still my silent scream?
Have you the courage to command what lesser men have fashioned ~
betrayal suffered at their hand and boiling, unspent passion?
The strength to weather out the storm that courses through my veins?
A force of steel of fire born for which there are no reigns?
For once its fury is unleashed, the very stars above
shall quake before the power released and witness perfect love.
Its thunder true and lightning hot, this storm that is my soul,
are you the man who'll flee it not and take complete control?
Throughout my days I have been told that somehow I have failed
by seeking not a kindred soul while keeping my heart veiled.
But sojourning alone through strife and facing fear and pain
taught that to mislead in life results in little gain.
If who we seek is who we'll love and ask it in return,
how can our lovers rise above what we've not let them learn?
Why must the masquerade go on, and those who will not play,
be scorned by those who pretense don whose lovers never stay?
Though masking who we really are draws moths unto our light,
deceit the greatest love can mar and slay with heartless might.
And so to you I shall reveal my strengths, my faults ~ myself;
from your trust I shall not steal, for faith's the greatest wealth.
I stand before you without shame, my eyes inviting yours
to look upon this soul untamed and free for evermore.
And if therein you've eyes to see the gift it does possess,
perhaps it's you who'll find in me your every happiness.
Perhaps it's you who'll enter rooms with doors locked long ago,
inside a heart with many wounds, left to bleed and slow.
Yet one that healed and still beats true and yearns for just one man
whose strength and wisdom guide him to my heart and who I am.
A man who has no fear of truth, nor wants my spirit stilled,
who finds in me eternal youth; his every need fulfilled.
Who'll take my hand and speak at last the words for which I long,
"Come to me, beside me stand, and be forever strong!"
"In you I see the woven strands of strength and honesty,
and take with joy into my hands the gift you offer me.
For pet, I love and do not fear the fire in your soul,
I see, instead, as I draw near, that it has made you whole."
"The lioness roars and stands alone when her cubs are born,
as do women when men roam and from them hearts are torn.
But when the lion, strong and best, protects her and the pride,
'tis finally then that she may rest and stand true at his side."
"I can withstand the winds that shriek and weep at where you've been,
before them I shall not grow weak, nor see you hurt again.
In my embrace your captive soul shall stir and find release,
and join with mine to be made whole and finally know sweet peace."
'Twill be this man who'll penetrate secluded, thorny walls,
and venture past the hidden gate that guards a woman's all.
Discovering there a fetal spirit deep in my heart's womb,
and waking it from poisoned sleep to grow and find its bloom.
To in our union be reborn and feel his life force surge,
from the depths of sorrow torn; at last helped to emerge,
into the safe, unerring light of his abiding care,
freed from pain and endless night and ever cherished there.
If you'd like to see more of my work - link here to my
Homepage ~ The Hawk And The Dove
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" Woman in Love "