- Performance Edge Systems -

- is a high performance coaching and medical research business based in New Zealand -

High Performance Coaching...

Every human being has the potential to outperform. The Performance Edge Coach specializes in helping you to do this. All can be helped no matter what their goal or starting condition. Athletes, actors, academics... teams, companies, armies... mums, dads, children... and even the handicapped. The only requirement is that you have sufficient desire (intent). This desire needs to be rock solid, unshakeable & unbreakable. The Performance Edge coach puts you on a 24 hour a day high performance program involving adjustments to diet, lifestyle and training. If you have such a desire and need a coach to direct your progress, then...

You may contact me on Facebook...

OR at www.ibsspace.com 
(Join the Paleo Diet Group)

or write to...

Mr. Brian C. Dobson
Performance Edge Systems
45 Goat Island Road, Leigh
Northland, New Zealand.

- please if possible, include an email address for reply -


Medical Research...

Irritable Bowel Syndrome has been the research focus for a decade or so.
The probable cause has been determined and published.
Treatment programs are under development.
Future research topics are Asthma, Crohns Disease, IBD and auto-immune disorders.



"The spirit of a warrior is not geared
to indulging and complaining,
nor is it geared to winning, or losing.
The spirit of a warrior is geared only to struggle,
and every struggle is a warrior's last battle on earth.
Thus the outcome matters very little to him.
In his last battle on earth a warrior lets
his spirit flow free and clear.
And as he wages his battle,
knowing that his will is impeccable,
…a warrior laughs and laughs."

- don Juan Mateus -
