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The IBS Expert...

Some more IBS Diets...

- these may get rid of IBS too -


The IBS Low Starch Diet - this has been devised by Carol Sinclair who has written a book about it with recipes. It is similar to The Easy IBS Diet on this website. It leaves out damaging fibre by banning starchy foods.

The SC Diet - this is a modified carbohydrate diet with a book that you can buy. It leaves out all complex sugars and starches, which of course also gets rid of the damaging fibre causing IBS symptoms. Here is another site about it...

Lowcarb Diets - there are many of these and the link goes to a summary of them all. As long as they leave out cereals, legumes and starchy veggies, then they should work for IBS. Some have books available to buy. I have not tested any of them.

The Vegan Diet Healing Plan - I know very little about this diet and have not tested it, however others have recommended it. There is a book that you can buy. Again, as long as it removes cereals, legumes and starchy veggies, then it can remove IBS symptoms.