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My name is Chris Holte. I am involved in the IT field in quality assurance, testing, requirements analysis, and related subjects. I also practice Buddhism and follow the precepts of Judaism. If you are interested in those subjects I've embedded links. My feelings about religion are that it is a highly private matter which needs to be subject to the same principles of common sense and logic that everything else is subject to. Which pretty much expresses my world view that people need to put more effort into doing things right, up front, and with forethought; and that if they did things would go a heck-of-a-lot better. That is why I love working with the internet, with testing, and with Quality Assurance. It hurts me when there is a "fracase" and a failure. Indeed my definition for the English word "Fracase" is that it leads to the Spanish word Fracase -- which means failure.
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