(I never stop doing research work, just like walking along the 5000 Km Great Wall in China)
- Principal research scientist, Pipeline Technology Center, Battelle Momerial Institute
- Ph.D. (1995), Failure Mechanics, Tsinghua University
- Research Interests
- Skills
- Professional Societies
- Professional Service
- Education and Experiences
- Current Publications
- Useful Web Links
- Address
My research interests are primarily in the area of fracture mechancs, structural analysis, corrosion and integrity of pipelines and pressure vessels, welding simulation, programming of numerical analysis, and the general areas of theory and application of solid mechanics covering theoretical, computational and experimental analysis methods as well.
- Brittle and ductile fracture of solids (2D, 3D & interfacial cracks)
- Constraint analyses of stationary and growing cracks
- Computational methods in solid mechanics (FEM, BEM & BIEM)
- Strength, corrosion, fatigue and fracture of pipelines
- Programming of finite element simulation for thermal and stress analysis
- Welding simulation in shipbuilding and automobile industry
(Transient temperature, stress, deformaion; residual stress, distortion)- Stability analysis and design of engineering structures
- Structural failure and lifetime assessment
- Elastic - plastic dynamic fracture analysis
- Fatigue, damage, creep analysis of metal, concrete and composite materials
- Adhesive joint, cutting modelling of metal structures
- Developing FEA Code: using 2D/3D finite elements for structural analysis and welding simulation
- Developing BEM Code: using 2D/3D indirect boundary elements
- Programming Languages: FORTRAN, BASIC, C, PASCAL
- Desgin-Meshing Code: TECPLOT, PATRAN, HYPERMESH, AutoCAD, EXCEL, PowerPoint
- Operating Systems: Windows 95/98/NT/ME, DOS, UNIX
- Internet: Web Design by HTML, JavaScript, Cold Fusion
- PC Maintenance: Windows Systems and Applications
- Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- Member of American Society of Tesing and Materials (ASTM)
- Member of American Academy of Mechanics (AAM)
- Member of Technical Program Committeee of International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineering (ISOPE)
- Voting Member of Techincal Committee ASTM E08 on Fracture and Fatigue
- Member of Chinese Society of Theoretical and Apllied Mechanics (CSTAM)
Professional Service: Technical Reviewer for
- Journal of Applied Mechanics
- Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
- Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
- International Journal of Solids and Structures
- International Journal of Fracture
- International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering
- Engineering Fracture Mechanics
- International Journal of Pressure vessels and piping
- Experimental Mechanics
- ASTM Special Technical Publications
- ASTM E08 on Fracture and Fatigue testing standards
- ASME PVP and Pipeline conference papers, etc.
- International Conference of Pipelines
- Mechanics Related Journals
- Engineering and Scientific Publishers
- National Science Foundation (NSF)
- American Academy of Mechanics (AAM)
- American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME)
- UnCover to search published articles
- Institute for Scientific Information (Citation Databases)
- FEM Resources
- FEM People
- Edmund , KBB (Car Prices)
- USA and International Universities
- Merrian-Webster Online Dictionary
Several Related Web Sites
- Tsinghua University Alumni Directory
- Hohai University Alumni Directory
- Embassy of P. R. China in the United States
- Embassy of the United States in P. R. China
- Public Broadcasting Service (news, nature, learn, kids)
- Voice of America (VOA Internet Audio)
- Chinese Media and Newspapers
Address (welcome sugesstions and comments) Xiankui Zhu, Ph.D.
Battelle Pipeline Technology Center
Columnbus, OH 43201, USA
Tel: (614) 424-4387
Fax: (614) 458-4387
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