[NEW- Synopsis of a work in progress ("Is It With Consent?")]
[1. How to Write MLA Style]
[2. How to Critique a Poem]
[3. How to Critique a Poem (Example- "The Tyger")]
[4. Why Pip loved Estella in Great Expectations (An Essay in Metaphor)]
[5. "Inspired" ( 9 of My Poems)]
[6. J.F.K.: a citizen's story] -a very short story-
[7. T.H.E. Polar Bare's On-line Bookstore]
[8. "LINKS"]
[9. Naegling's Character Page]
[10. Dolphin Pictures and Links]
[11. Star Trek A Call To Duty: Character & Logs]
 Sta's Pirate Fantasy
Original writings on these pages copyright 1995-2001 by
M. E. Vey