In ancient times the study of numbers was taught in the mystic schools and was considered privileged information for only a chosen few, some of them the rulers of the day using it to make critical decisions. Today's world leaders would equally benefit from this ancient study if they would be open to information coming from the intuitive plane and not just the logical accepted facts and business as usual. I believe we are on the verge of this becoming reality during the next millenium, the 2000s.
Let's begin by examining the end of the current millennium, the decade of the 90s, by giving a brief synopsis of the number 9 itself. This number stands for Completion, Reward, Universal Love, Brotherhood, Compassion, Patience, Tolerance, Humanitarianism, Perfection, Identity, Drama, Psychic Ability, Emotionalism, Romance, and, most of all, Forgiveness. This is only a partial list. What has this decade been bringing us? For instance, have you noticed any Completions? The decline and ultimate conclusion of Communism (which began about 1917--the first decade of this century) occurred in 1989-1990. This fallacious attempt to dominate the lives of souls in service to an autocratic souless state had to crumble as it was built upon an erroneous doctrine that man is insignificant and the state superior. It did not fall easily and had its heyday with the ascension of the U.S.S.R. into a world power, threat of nuclear holocaust, race for space superiority, and other myriad Soviet possibilities. However, it did fall and find Completion right on schedule, in the 90s. Its appearance in 1917 helped to structure the United States into a superior world power partly because there was this great evil lurking which threatened our very existence unless we, as a nation, responded in kind.
Let us look further. In the 90s we have a sense of the Brotherhood of Man. This has been made abundantly clear by the introduction of the information highway and the Internet, brought especially into clear focus in the last several years. If movies from the turn of the century to radio from the 20s and television from the 30s began the trend of turning the world into one large village of people, then the comptuer of the 50s has now reached a zenith in producing such a result in the 90s. We are no longer isolated countries, indeed continents, doing business with each other. We are one large world doing intricate buying and selling daily on the Internet which affects us in ways unimaginable before the invention of these electronic devices. The crashing of the Japanese stock market, for instance, has an immediate effect on Wall Street. We are certainly more closely bound than ever before by the power of mass communication and we are, if not our brother's keeper, then certainly our brother's watcher. The sense of Brotherhood of Mankind is certainly noticeable more than ever before as a 90s phenomenon.
Examining the characteristics of the number 2, we find that it stands for Peacemaking, Diplomacy, Partnership, Consideration, Sensitivity, Cooperation, Receptivity, and Spirituality (from the most positive standpoint). If we apply the highest vibrations of the number 2 to what the 2000s can bring, we have an understanding that those who will survive will adopt an attitude which will take into consideration the above characteristics. The same can be said of nations. Since we are now in the process of becoming one world (the ultimate expression of the 1000s), we now have to look to using our spiritual, intuitive, aesthetic, receptive faculties to guide us in the decisions which need to be made to continue on our personal paths, as well as on our national path. The 2000s speak of times where the more feminine (receptive) characteristics noted above will come more into an everyday practice than what has been the current "every man for himself, dog eat dog" philosophy which has been prevalent during the 1000s.
We see evidence of this happening already, and the New Age thinkers, the Aquarius people, are pointing the way, and have been pointing the way for quite some time. The concepts of mind/body healing in medicine, intuitive counseling in business, and psychic-line psychology, to name a few, are just the beginning of what the 2000s will see come to pass. We are not simply passing from 1999 to 2000, but we are officially passing from the Age of Assertiveness, Individuality and Force into the Age of Receiving, Sharing and Gentleness. This does not mean that forward action would come to a halt, but, according to the precepts of numerology, there will be a need now for the experience of more Peace and Light so that the principles that were put into action in the 1000s can now properly develop and grow in the 2000s.
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