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Rock and Roll Purgatory!!

Part 1: The Garage Band Strikes OUT

'El Dorado' featuring brother Tom, Jim Hobbs, and Steve Stizzo hiding in the corner

This shot was taken about 1972 or so, in Sacramento. Parapow Palace Saloon. Nice deer head lends perfect ambiance...

The Bop-A-Dips, oldies show band. Great comedy band.

The 'Bop-a-Dips' - All Greased-up and no place to go... find me in the pic, win a prize. Yes, I AM in it.

Another DIP picture, only chance to see me in a TUX

4X Dips - Promo shots

BLITZ - Steve Stizzo, Gordon Stizzo, me, and Tom (Shorty) Evans.

BLITZ - in Color Here we are, photo by Dave Plumb, before hitting the road for the first time. How ever did we fail?????

Blitz - B & W # 1 - This was our promo pic, plastered all over the Northwest. I remember fondly how kids at a junior high dance poked the eyes out and drew glasses on some of us. Luckily, I already had glasses.

Blitz - B & W # 2 - An experiment by Dave Plumb, came out rather well really. I am not a smoker, but I played one for this photo.

Blitz - B & W # 3 - Taken in Missoula, MT. Includes Curt. This pic and 25 cents will get you on the bus.

Blitz - Last Boogaloo - Back from Montana, playing out the string. On stage at 'Plumb's Pub'

Fatcat... Towards the End....

Me at 'the Pub' with Fatcat - By the time I joined this band I was burned out. Too bad, because we finally had a great singer. But I was 31 and looking for a little security, studying programming.

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