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Dan Evans' Euro Trip
part 3: Salzburg, Landshutt and Praha
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Soori and I got a 'wochende' ticket, 35 DM (around $20) and you can ride all weekend on the
older trains. It was a 2 hour ride to Salzburg in Austria. It's a pretty place, dripping with history as
all those places seem to do. The Hoehnzolleran fortress is the largest in Europe. Quite impressive
and a great view. We got there during the Christmas market, and I had a choclolate covered
pretzel that was a lot better than it sounds. Salzburg was the home of Mozart and Haydn too. I
give it 4 stars.
At Hoehnzolleran fortress
Me, fortress in background
Me at a Salzburg fountain
Landshutt is northeast of Munich about an hour's train ride. It has a nicely preserved (read: not
bombed) old town. Pretty, all in pastel. I visitted on Sunday, so the place was quiet. I did have a
kebap in a little shop with a number of guys talking in Turkish. The kebab was good and so was
the beer. I give it 2.5 stars. Had I seen it on Saturday, might have gotten 3.
Alte Deutchland in Landshutt
Landshutt, Pastel Bavaria
More Landshutt
Praha (Prague)
Probably my favorite place of all was Praha. Now, it's not a clean as Munich, but it positively
overflows with charming buildings. And, being a cheapskate, I loved the prices, which were
generally cheaper than elsewhere. A BIG pizza for one would cost 3 dollars. Beer, kingsize, was
around a dollar in a restaurant. Praha is very popular now among ex-pats, I met several Americans
living there in my few days, as well as Dutch, Brit and what not. They are pretty open minded in
Prague, with gambling casinos. One of the first things I noticed in the train station were the slot
machines! Now the train station isn't as hygienic as Munich. It's a bit run-down, and there are a
few unappealing characters (drunks and indigents, not necessarily criminals, as (thankfully) I had
no problems there) hanging around in the train station. But they seem to be recovering quite well
from their Communist years. Oh, by the way, it's a great place to pick up commie souveniers. I
got a hammer and sickle flag and a nice fake-wool Russian army hat, with pin. Tovarich! I give it
5 stars!
Praha (Prague), on foot...
Postcard of Praha, Wenceslaus Square
Another Postcard view of Praha
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