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Dan Evans' Photo Gallery

part 2: München

Once again, we start with thumbnails. Click on the description to see it full size.

Marienplatz in Munich Me in front of a monument

Marienplatz in Munich is probably where most tourists begin, and I was no exception. I got there on a cool Autumn day, and wandered around soaking up the Ambience. It's a nice place to walk, closed to auto traffic.

Marienplatz & shoppers Me in front of the Alte Rathhaus

Like most places, I saw some familiar names: Woolworths, McDonalds, but mostly it was German as far as I could tell.

Protest Marchers Me again, Marienplatz

I happened to be there for a protest march. I asked a tour guide who was speaking in English what it was about, and he said they were protesting German citizenship laws. Note the communist flag. Workers of the world, unite!

Karlsplatz 3rd Reich remnant

Karlsplatz is where the pedestrian area ends, and I am told it's a jumping place in summer. If you look at the fullsize picture, you'll see a store that sells 'Lederwear,' which means if you are looking for Lederhosen, you need look NO FURTHER. There are very few reminders left of Hitler's Reich. He's not very popular in Munich, at least not presently. Munich is where he got his start though. His revolution began here and he built his first concentration camp at Dachau, only a few miles north. During his heyday, people walking in front of this monument were expected to do the Nazi salute. They don't do that any more.

Postcard view of Munich, in *sunshine!* I never saw sunshine like this while in Munich, but I was there in Winter. I would like to return in Summer, it has to be beautiful. I think I would skip Oktoberfest though. Too many amateurs out...

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