The 'grahnd' tour of Europe
part 1
Sadly, there are only 2 pictures from the first 2 weeks of my trip. My camera and all my film was stolen in the Brussels train station. The Paris pictures were taken by a hustler in Paris. I paid way too much for them, but since they are all that's left, I guess I'm glad she gypped me. The rest of the pictures you see were taken with a disposable camera.
Me in front of the Arc de Triomphe
Me & Arc de Triomphe # 2
Paris weather was perfect when I was there, during the days. As you can see, I am in just a shirt, with sleeves rolled up. I was able to find a decent room for $40 a night, with a nice bed and a bathroom WAY down a creaky hall. Oh well... Serves me right for not choosing rich parents.
Approaching the windmills
Turid, Hennie, and me in Kinderdijk
Hennie (Pa), Turid (Ma) and Andy (Rince)
Windmills at Kinderdijk
Another windmill, postcard shot
Me in downtown Aalborg
Me, on the oldest street in Aalborg
Me, by the Aalborg Fjord, waving the Danish Flag
The oldest known Viking settlement in the world is found just north of Aalborg. Dan and I went exploring. Dan met some interesting creatures, including sheep and some Japanese tourists. Later on, we went to watch his parents at their square dance club. It was obvious they were all having a blast.
The oldest Viking settlement
Dan Larsen (Danel)
More Dan and the Vikings
Dan's parents squaredancing
Click HERE to visit Dan Larsen's page about the visit. It's better than mine
(damn him)
After Aalborg, I headed off to Copenhagen. I got up reasonably early and headed for the center of town. It was a beautiful sunny day, and I saw all of what you see on foot, no transport for ME thank you!
The botanical Gardens, Cop.
Me and the 'little mermaid'
Changing of the guard, Cop.
Along the canal, that's MY beer
Another canal in Copenhagen
Cristiania, in Copenhagen. Hippie hangout
Unna (Germany, home of Andy (Rince) Sosna
After Copenhagen, I boarded yet another train and headed to meet my friend Andy Sosna at the Dortmund train Station. I spent 2 days with him and his very nice family. Below are 2 pictures taken in downtown Unna.
Andy in the shadows
Dan in the Shade
After my visit with Andy, my time was running low, but I still had 2 days before I had to get back to England for my flight. I decided to see Amsterdam. It was a GOOD choice. Rather expensive, as many of the big Euro Capitals are, but SO cool! Good food, nice people, pretty architecture and culture dripping from the streetlights. Or was that something else? Anyhow, five stars!
Amsterdam. My hotel window is visible
Red Lights ahead!
Near the train station
A beautiful canal
Me & red light canal
Me and yet another canal
The park between the Rijks museum and the Concertgebouw, at sunset