
Dan Evans' Home (dang-ol') Page, part 2

Okay, here's where I tell all the real secrets. Get yourelf a nice room temperature glass of pre-sweetened KoolAid and get ready for a story so shocking I couldn't be told until all the participants were dead and/or senile.

Part 1: Brushes with Fame - Reflected Glory

Once shook hands with Chuck Berry

Once went out with a woman who went out with (the late) David Kennedy

Once went out with a woman who went out with the man that threw Jerry Rice's first completed pass in the NFL

Celebrated his 25th birthday with the President and several officers of the Oakland Hell's Angels

Jammed with the President (on drums) doing 'Rock Around the Clock'

Once had a motel room next to Gordon and Sheila McRae

Drank in a dive with Maureen Reagan

Knows a guy who knows Clint Eastwood

Part 2: Other Stuff

Wears size 13EEE shoes (same as Michael Jordan)

Was once taller than Michael Jordan

Is approximately the same age as Prince Charles

Has more hair than Charlie

Never cheated on Princess Diana

Never had an improper relationship with Monica Lewensky

Had a dream about Jimmy Carter once

Visited Blarney Castle but did NOT piss on the Blarney Stone

Spent a month in El Paso one week

Has never been married

Has no known children