Dan Evans, International Man of Mystery! (misery?)

Now available without beard or glasses

Click HERE for pictures of me in Costa Rica

Click HERE for pictures of me in Rio de Janeiro

Click HERE for pictures from my 2001/2002 Xmas trip to Nantwich, England

Click HERE for pictures from my 2001 trip to Eastern/Central Europe

Click HERE for pictures and descriptions from my Mazatlan trip

Hello. Once again, a 'new and improved' home page. This is the kinda crap you do when you are retired.

Click on any of the Links below to see more:

Eye of the Cyclops CD now available!      Dan Evans Mega-hits CD now available!


My (former)Home      Eurotrip '99      #europe meeting      Prague trip


Why I love Portsmouth      Munich Story      Munich Pictures      Leuven and more

Salzburg trip    Bio & family photos    Rock and ROLL    Internet (IRC)    Miscellaneous

Eye of the Cyclops - Click on any of the above photos for a full size version

Click HERE for untold extra-secret stuff

Click here for my 'boudoir' photo set

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