Welcome to my Vp page.I built this page
for all you Vp addicts out there.Below you will find Avatars and Gestures all for use in the VP world.Some of these I have made myself others I have found.Once you have got what you want from this page you can then visit some of my favourite VP gestures and avatar sites.Anyway enough of my jibbering ...On with the good stuff
To download the following Gestures, simply hold down your shift key then left click your mouse..
(save them in your Vplaces/exts/gestures folder)

I Won't Bite....Hard.!


Yaaaawwwnnn.!(Wolf Yawn)

If You Declare War On The Kindred ..The Kindred Declares War On You.!

You...Like It When I Use My Tongue ...Dont U.!

Silence!....Naughty Lady Of The Night.!

I'd Like To Hang You Upside Down...Naked.!
Okay now here are the latest additions....I have gone to the trouble of making these myself.But with Gestures from Dracula' and Interview with the Vampire'...Well Hey!, It was worth the hassle..Enjoy my friends.!!
Gestures From Bram Stokers 'Dracula'...
..*Some of these files are zipped in Winzip format so you are going to need to unzip them with winzip first...*

I Bid You Welcome To My House...Please..Come In.!...

Condemn You . Zip...

True Love . Zip...

I Love You Too Much . Zip...

Do You Believe In Destiny..?...


Children Of The Night . Zip ...

Allow Me To Introduce Myself . Zip...

It Is The Man Himself..He Has Grown Young...

Welcome To My House...

Fight My Power . Zip...
Interview With The Vampire' Gestures...

Take Her Louise.. End Her Suffering And Yours...

Search For Vampires . Zip...

Newborn Vampire . Zip...
Misc. Gestures...

I'll Be Right Baaack . Zip...( Scream )