Funded Research Projects

1.        Al-Nassar, Y. N., Kahraman, R. and Zughbi, H. D., “Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Phase Change in Two- and Three- Dimensional Bounded Objects”, KFUPM Grant, Project No: ME/NUMERICAL/184, SR507,440/-, 22/2/1997-21/2/2000.

2.        Abu-Sharkh, B., Kahraman, R., Hamid, H. and Ali, S. A., “Preparation, Characterization and Testing of Polypropylene-Palm Fiber Composites”, KACST (King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology) Grant, Project No: ARP 18-14, SR843,000/-, 24/11/1420 (1/3/2000)-24/1/1424 (4/3/2003).

3.        Kahraman, R., Saricimen, H., Al-Zahrani, M. M. and Al-Dulaijan, S. U., “Inhibition of Reinforcing Steel Corrosion under Atmospheric Condition”, KACST Grant, Project No: ARP 19-10, SR 432,800/-, 1/8/1421 (28/10/2000)-1/10/1424 (25/11/2003).

4.        Sleem-ur-Rahman, Kahraman, R. and Abul-Hamayel, M. A., “Corrosion Protection of Steel by Catalyzed Polypyrrole Films”, KFUPM Grant, Project No: CHE/C-PROTECTION/227, SR384,500/-, 1/9/2001-31/8/2004.

5.        Kahraman, R. and Abdul Aleem, B. J., “Water Absorption Behavior of Aluminum Powder Filled Epoxy Adhesive”, SABIC (Saudi Basic Industries Corporation) Research Grant, Project No: SAB-2001/08, SR55,700/-, 1/4/2002-30/9/2003.

6.        Kahraman, R. and Sunar, M., “Effects of Moisture Sorption and the Filler Content on the Mechanical Performance of Metal Joints Bonded by Aluminum Filled Epoxy”, SABIC Research Grant, Project No: SAB-2003/12, SR59,100/-, 1/4/2003-1/10/2004.

7.        Kahraman, R. and Abu-Sharkh, B., “Water Adsorption Behavior of Palm/Polypropylene Composites”, SABIC Research Grant, Project No: SAB-2004/22, SR57,700/-, 1/6/2004-30/11/2005.