11/1999-present: Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia.

9/1993-10/1999: Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia.

                9  M.Sc. Thesis Supervising
              10  M.Sc. Thesis Committee Memberships
              78  Co-op Projects.

       Faculty Evaluation at KFUPM:
              1993 – 1994  Very Good (B)
              1994 – 1995  Between Very Good (B) and Excellent (A)
              1995 – 1996  Distinguished (A+)
              1996 – 1997  Distinguished (A+)
              1997 – 1998  Distinguished (A+)
              1998 – 1999  Distinguished (A+)
              1999 – 2000  Distinguished (A+)
              2000 – 2001  Distinguished (A+)
              2001 – 2002  Distinguished (A+)
              2002 – 2003  Distinguished (A+)
              2003 – 2004  Distinguished (A+)
              2004 – 2005  Distinguished (A+)

9/1988-2/1993: Research Assistant, Chemical Engineering, MSU. Constructed a microdebonding test apparatus to measure the interfacial bond strength in fiber reinforced composites. Investigated the influence of the fiber-matrix interphase on high temperature behavior of multidirectional glass-ceramic matrix composites under oxidizing conditions. Performed compositional and microscopic analysis of the interphase in those composites by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical metallography.

9/1986-3/1988: Research Assistant, Chemical Engineering, MSU. Studied the oxidation of oxygen-saturated polycrystalline zirconium. Gained experience in troubleshooting ultrahigh vacuum systems and using surface analytical techniques such as Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) and temperature programmed desorption (TPD).

6/1984-8/1984: Summer Practical Trainee, Kutahya Fertilizer Plant, Turkey. Obtained experience in process optimization techniques and determined the efficiency of several process units.