Chairman of the Chemical Engineering Standing Committee for ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) Evaluation, KFUPM, 9/2004-present (member during 1/2000-8/2004).

            1.  Preparing the necessary documents for accreditation by ABET.

            2.  Making recommendations to the department chairman based on the evaluation report of the ABET team about the department programs.

            3.  Preparing the department’s response to the concerns/comments/recommendations of the ABET team.


Program Assessment Team Leader for Assessment of Chemical Engineering Academic Programs, KFUPM, 9/2004-present.

            1.  Attended seminars/workshops organized by the Program Assessment Center of the Deanship of Academic Development (DAD).

            2.  Reviewed ABET guidelines for continuous assessment.

            3.  Developed procedures and documentations to comply with these guidelines.

            4.  Collected assessment data required for the self assessment evaluation.

            5.  Prepared the program self-assessment report of the Chemical Engineering Dept.

            6.  Will function as the facilitator for the self assessment evaluation of the Chemical Engineering Department.


Chairman of Chemical Engineering Planning Committee, KFUPM, 9/2000-present.

            1.  Developing short- and long-term plans for the department.

            2.  Planning activities to promote the department inside and outside the University.

            3.  Preparing every year the detailed/itemized departmental budget for the next academic year.

            4.  Prepared the 3 Year (2005-2007) Plan of the department (09/2004).

            5.  Prepared the 5 Year (2001-2005) Plan of the department (12/2000).

            6.  Prepared the list of journals in chemical engineering with ranks (2/2004).


Member of Chemical Engineering Graduate Committee, KFUPM, 9/2000-present.

            1.  Promoting CHE graduate program locally and internationally.

            2.  Evaluating applicants for M.S. and Ph.D. programs.

            3.  Reviewing CHE graduate program periodically.

            4.  Proposing required and elective graduate courses for each semester.

            5.  Reviewing graduate course files at the start of each semester.

            6.  Reviewing performance of graduate students and recommending appropriate action.


Coordinator of the Materials Research Group of the Chemical Engineering Department, KFUPM, 5/1997-present.

            1.  Discussing on-going research projects, graduate research topics, probable research proposals, and recent developments in the research area.

            2.  Developing/encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration with other groups within the department and college.

            3.  Encouraging members of the group to seek research projects from the industry that may be of relevance to the group.

            4.  Liasing with the relevant division in the Research Institute of KFUPM.

            5.  Discussing any other matters brought to the attention of the group and making recommendations on them.


Member of the Thermal Research Group of the Chemical Engineering Department, KFUPM, 5/1997-present.

            The activities of the group are similar to those just mentioned for the Materials Research Group.


Member of Ad Hoc Committee on Implementation of WebCT in Chemical Engineering Department, KFUPM, 1/2004-present.

            Helping ChE faculty implement WebCT platform for their courses.


Member of the Chemical Engineering Ad Hoc Committee for Making Nominations for College Awards for the Academic Years 2003/2004 and 2004/2005, KFUPM, 5/2004 and 5/2005.

            Participated in the deliberations and the selection procedure according to the university guidelines.


Member of the University Ad Hoc Committee to Evaluate Applications for the Excellence in Research Award for the Academic Years 2002/2003, 2003/2004 and 2004/2005, KFUPM, 4/2003, 4/2004 and 4/2005.

            1.  Participated in the deliberations and the selection procedure adopted by the committee.

            2.  Evaluated the existing guidelines for the Excellence in Research Awards and made appropriate suggestions.


Member of Ad Hoc Committee to Prepare Key Performance Indicators and Measures for Chemical Engineering Department, KFUPM, 2/2004 and 1/2005.

            Prepared the department’s input on “Key Performance Indicators and Measures” as requested by Dean of Academic Development.


Chairman of Chemical Engineering Ad Hoc Committee to Prepare and Publish the Department’s Brochure, 2000 and 2005.


            1.  Collected material for the brochure.

            2.  Organized the brochure material.


Member of the Academic Committee on the Development of Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Program on Materials Science and Engineering, KFUPM, 4/2003-6/2004.

            The program was developed in accordance with the “Guidelines for Assessing the Feasibility of Developing New Academic Programs” supplied by the Deanship of Academic Development.


Member of Program Assessment Team for the Academic Program of the Mechanical Engineering Department, KFUPM, 6/2003-3/2004.

            1.  Reviewed the program self-assessment report of the Mechanical Engineering Dept.

            2.  Visited the Mechanical Engineering Dept. for further assessment.

            3.  Prepared a final report on the findings and recommendations.


Member of the University Housing Committee, KFUPM, 9/1998-8/2000 and 9/2001-8/2003.

            1.  Recommended housing assignments for returning as well as newly appointed faculty members.

            2.  Reviewed housing relocation requests and making recommendations.

            3.  Reviewed requests for assignment of temporary housing for visiting family members.

            4.  Discussed any other university housing related matter brought to the attention of the committee and making recommendation on it.


Member of College of Engineering Special Functions Committee, KFUPM, 9/1996-7/1997 and 9/2001-7/2003.

            Organized welcome parties to orient new faculty of College of Engineering Sciences, tea parties and sports days for the faculty of College of Engineering Sciences and college annual end-of-year parties honoring leaving and distinguished faculty of College of Engineering Sciences.


Member of Chemical Engineering Curriculum Committee, KFUPM, 2/1999-8/2000.

            1.  Planned/Recommended the number of sections for each course for the following semester.

            2.  Recommended faculty teaching assignments for each semester.

            3.  Reviewed and preparing the pre-registration and registration guidelines.

            4.  Planned course offerings for the next academic year.

            5.  Reviewed undergraduate course files at the start of each semester.

            6.  Reviewed the curriculum and course syllabi periodically.


Member of Chemical Engineering Continuing Education Committee, KFUPM, 9/1997-8/2000.

            1.  Planned short course offerings for the academic year.

            2.  Studied requests from industry to offer short courses.

            3.  Developed guidelines for faculty participation in short courses.

            4.  Coordinated all departmental continuing education activities.


Member of Chemical Engineering Planning Committee, KFUPM, 9/1996-8/1997.

            1.  Planned activities to promote the department inside and outside the University.

            2.  Planned seminars and short courses to be given by the department.

            3.  Planned for joint activities among CHE departments within the Kingdom, and contacts and cooperation with the local industry.


Member of Chemical Engineering Laboratory & Safety Committee, KFUPM, 1993-1996.

            1.  Reviewed and followed up safety procedures in the CHE laboratories.

            2.  Reviewed requests for major changes or modifications in the CHE laboratories.

            3.  Coordinated writing and updating of the laboratory manuals.

            4.  Reviewed requests for purchasing laboratory equipments for research and/or teaching purposes.


Member of College of Engineering Thermal Spray Technology Ad Hoc Committee, KFUPM, 1993.

            Studied the feasibility of collaboration with College of Engineering and Applied Science, Stony Brooks, in the Area of Thermal Spray Technology.


Member of International Coordinating Council, MSU, 1990-1992.


            Organized social events to promote peace among people from different countries and cultures and to increase awareness of Americans about other cultures.